
Rasa Bortkevičiūtė

PhD candidate, junior researcher
Research areas
Public administration

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Rasa Bortkevičiūtė obtained a bachelor degree of Political Science (2017) and graduated with Magna Cum Laude Diploma in Public Policy Analysis at IIRPS VU in 2019. During the study period she took place in exchange programs and studied in Bremen (Germany) and Utrecht (Netherlands). In 2021 she conducted a research fellowship in Utrecht University (the Netherlands, supervisor – assoc. prof. Scott Douglas), while in 2022 she conducted a fellowship in Leiden University under the supervision of prof. Antoaneta Dimitrova.

As a PhD student, she is preparing a dissertation on evidence based governance and stakeholders inclusion in decision making process (supervisor prof. dr. Vitalis Nakrošis) since 2019.


Research projects and grants

Resilience of welfare state institutions in Lithuania: the influence of significant events on adapting to systemic threats during 2004–2020 (2021-2022), junior researcher. Project is financed by the Lithuanian Research Council (LMTLT), the leader of the project – prof. dr. V. Nakrošis.

Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Lithuania and other EU Member States: an Impact on Public Policy and the Management of the Emergency Situation (COPOVAL) (2020), junior researcher. Project is financed by the Lithuanian Research Council (LMTLT), the leader of the project – prof. dr. V. Nakrošis.

The impact of recommendations provided by the Sunset commissions on Lithuanian public management policy in 1999–2016 (2017-2018), junior researcher. Project is financed by the Lithuanian Research Council (LMTLT), the leader of the project – prof. dr. V. Nakrošis.


Research interests

Evidence based governance

Collaborative governance

Collaborative crisis management


Cultural policies and museums governance


Bortkevičiūtė, R. (2023). ‘Simply by collaborating’? The impact of public and nongovernmental sectors collaboration experience on its institutionalization in the Lithuanian crisis management system. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12511

Nakrošis, V., Bortkevičiūtė, R. (2022). Resilience building during the management of the COVID-19 crisis in Lithuania: Major breakthroughs and incremental change. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 30, 295–306. https://doi.org/10.1111/jccm.12420

Patkauskaitė-Tiuchtienė I., Bortkevičiūtė R., Nakrošis V., & Vilpišauskas R. (2022). The Impact of Significant Events on Public Policy and Institutional Change: Towards a Research Agenda. Politologija, 105(1), 8-52. https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2022.105.1

Bortkevičiūtė, R., Nakrošis, V. (2022). "Public online consultation in Lithuania: A political declaration or the real empowerment of citizens?" In Randma-Liiv, T., Lember, V. (eds.) Engaging Citizens in Policy Making e-Participation Practices in Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://www.elgaronline.com/view/edcoll/9781800374355/9781800374355.00016.xml

Bortkevičiūtė, R., Kalkytė, P., Kuokštis, V., Nakrošis, V., Patkauskaitė-Tiuchtienė, I., Vilpišauskas, R. (2021) Nuo greitų pergalių prie skaudžių pralaimėjimų: Lietuvos viešosios politikos atsakas į COVID-19 pandemiją ir šios krizės valdymas 2020 m. [From Quick Wins to Significant Losses: Lithuania’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Management of the Crisis in 2020] Vilnius: Vilnius university press. Free e-book is available for download here: https://www.knygynas.vu.lt/nuo-greitu-pergaliu-prie-skaudziu-pralaimejimu-lietuvos-viesosios-politikos

Bortkevičiūtė, R., Nakrošis, V. (2018). Did the Sunset of Bureaucracy Occur in Lithuania? The Impact of Recommendations Provided by the Sunset Commissions on Public Management Policy in 1999-2016. Politologija, 92(4).

Bortkevičiūtė, R. (2017). Lithuanian Museum Governance: a Pathway Toward the Modern Museum. Politologija, 88(4). https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2017.4.11152