Original title: Lietuvos politinės minties antologija I: Lietuvos politinė mintis 1918–1940 m.
Publishing date: 2018
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 592
The first of the three volumes of the anthology is dedicated to the interwar political thought in Lithuania. In this book, the reader will find the most important texts of the interwar Lithuania’s political thought of four traditions: the Catholic, the Nationalist [tautininkai], the Peasants-Folk [valstiečiai-liaudininkai] and that of the Left. The texts of the authors in these traditions are separated according to the topics, typical to the era and are put in chronological order. Every text is followed by a short biogram with a photo, as well as references to some relevant works and research of the author.
Cite as: Dementavičius, J. et al. (sud.) (2013) Lietuvos politinės minties antologija I: Lietuvos politinė mintis 1918–1940 m. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
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