Original title: Sąjūdžio priešistorė ir gimimas: gyvosios atminties archyvas (kompaktinis diskas)
Publishing date: 2012
E-solutions: Elektroninės leidybos namai
Language: Lithuanian
The CD “The Prehistory and Birth of Sąjūdis: The Living Memory Archive” presents memories of freedom spaces, non-conformist activities during the Soviet era, prehistory of Sąjūdis, its origins, and the great events of 1987-1988 told by Sąjūdis leaders, activists, and representatives of the societal associations that were disobedient to the Soviet system in Lithuania in the second half of the 20 c. The living memory of the contemporaries, photos, and other documents in this CD were collected from 2009 to 2011 implementing research project “The Phenomenon of Sąjūdis: A Study of Civic Movement Networking” (leader Ainė Ramonaitė) funded by Research Council of Lithuania, initiated by Vilnius University, and carried out collaborating with researchers from Klaipėda Univesity and Vytautas Magnus University. The material published in the CD illustrates and supplements history of the contentious Soviet era society and the birth of Sąjūdis explored in the book “Searching for the Origins of Sąjūdis: The Power of Contentious Networking” (Baltos lankos, 2011). The CD “The Prehistory and Birth of Sąjūdis” is meant to preserve that which must not be forgotten.