The IMF’s views on Lithuanian economy – the current state and future challenges

The IMF’s views on Lithuanian economy – the current state and future challenges

On the 21st of November, IIRPS VU will be hosting a lecture by Mr. Borja Gracia, a Mission Chief of the International Monetary Fund for Lithuania.

Mr. Gracia will give his insights about the most recent IMF projections for the Lithuanian and the Euro Area economies. After the introduction of current macro context, a special focus will be given to long-term growth dynamics in Lithuania and the challenges that our economy may face on the future convergence path.

The lecture will be followed by a Q/A session with the Mission Chief. The discussion will be moderated by IIRPS VU lecturer Linas Mickus.

The meeting with Mr Gracia will take place on the 21st of November, 11:30 AM, at IIRPS VU, room 402.