Dr. Eglė Grėbliauskaitė
Researcher, assistant
Research groups
Feminist policy and critical theory research group
Research areas
Public administration and institutional critique
Cultural Policy
Contemporary Art Practice
Additional info
Personal website
Dr Eglė Grėbliauskaitė is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University, researching “Institutional Oversight of Artistic Autonomy. Art and Lithuanian Cultural Policy”. In 2022, she defended her PhD thesis in Visual Arts on the topic “Sociopsychological Mechanisms of Repression – Struggle for the Centre of Value, or – In the Labyrinths of Hungry Shadows” about the relationship of cultural institutions with other epistemes, the struggle for the centre of value among the agents of the art institution, and the problematics of the positioning of art and culture in contemporary society. 2001 graduated with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from The Open University (UK), specialising in strategic management, strategic human resource management, financial strategy and creativity, innovation and change management. Lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts, associate professor at VILNIUS TECH Department of Creative Industries, and lecturer at IIRPS VU. Eglė Grėbliauskaitė is a creator of interdisciplinary art and author of art projects that have received public acclaim (Kombinat, 2015, New Good Floors for Titanic, 2016, I Woke Up from My Dream When I Hit the Cold Wall, 2018, Let’s Not Forget to Remember anymore, 2021). His work is based on participatory action research, installation, sculpture, painting, unconventional means of expression, historical, cultural and interest ready-made. A focus on the cultural and social development of society characterises the projects. Since 2017 she has been an artist of the Republic of Lithuania member of the Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Art Union.
Research projects and grants
Supervising the artistic autonomy: arts and the cultural policy in Lithuania
Conference papers
- 2023 “Vision of the Symbiosis between Autonomous Society and Autonomous Art: what must be sacrificed?” International Scientific Conference “Visuality 2023: Media and Communication in the Age of (Dis)Information”, VGTU, Vilnius.
- 2022 “Let’s not forget not to remember anymore”, Estonian Academy of Arts conference “Who are the authors of public space?” (Defining Public in the Space), Tallinn.
- 2021 “Who is interested in knowing where an artist lives?”, Vilnius Academy of Arts (VDA), Vilnius Art Academy (VDA), Vilnius, Lithuania, the scientific conference “How to tell about art? Art History, Criticism, Texts and Narratives in Lithuania”.
Courses taught
Metamorphosis of Contemporary Political Communication
Research interests
Discourse on justice
Political coherence
The dilemma of artistic autonomy
Institutional critique
Comparative Politics and Political Sociology
Public Law
Grėbliauskaitė, E. (2023). “Who Wants to Know Where the Artists Live?”. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis, 107: How to Tell About Art? Art History, Criticism, Texts and Narratives in Lithuania, Ed. Lina Michelkevičė, Laura Petrauskaitė, Aušra Trakšelytė. 2022, 265-95. https://doi.org/10.37522/aaav.107.2022.143.
Dambrauskas, K., Gintalaitė, A., Grėbliauskaitė, E. (2023). „Demokratijos išbandymai menu – net jei tik sekundei, tik susišildyti rankas“. Šiaurės Atėnai, 2023 m. sausio 13 d. Nr. 1 (1401).
Grėbliauskaitė, E. (2022). „Būti ar nebūti?“. Dailė/Art, Nr. 87, ARTSERIA, Dailininku sajungos leidykla, ISSN 0130-6626, p. 42. https://www.artseria.lt/post/egle-grebliauskaite?fbclid=IwAR1yX8MO76DDUynIwAEHMMsRbNphql8GkCaBuSDTZuLOBZ-Qm1KRu6Vtbvo
Grėbliauskaitė, E. (2021). „Šiuolaikinis roninas: menininkas be institucijos“, pokalbis su menininke Agne Gintalaite, artnews.lt, https://artnews.lt/siuolaikinis-roninas-menininkas-institucijos-pokalbis-su-menininke-agne- gintalaite-64528
Grėbliauskaitė, E. (2020). „Visada žinojau, kad „Jie“ egzistuoja“. Literatūra ir menas, 3705 / 11, 2020 06 12. https://literaturairmenas.lt/daile/menininke-egle-grebliauskaite-visada-zinojau-kad-jie-egzistuoja?fbclid=IwAR3COY8I9YSP76BTXICn-4WLknTrhu-wJ1a-zMv8LgjbyDJGWaV33Svr_W8
Grėbliauskaitė, E. (2018). „Apie Tiesą (sufijų pasakėčia)“. 15min.lt kultūra, 2018 11 16. https://www.15min.lt/kultura/naujiena/asmenybe/egle-grebliauskaite-apie-tiesa-sufiju-pasakecia-285-1061028