Students’ research. Russian Computational Propaganda and Disinformation Research: the Case of Operation Doppelganger

1 July 2024 – 30 August 2024
Vidmantė Krušinskaitė

Project idea

This research aims to dissect and understand the complex mechanisms of computational propaganda and disinformation, focusing on the "Doppelganger" operation as a case study of Russian computational propaganda. By leveraging algorithms, online networking, and automation, this operation exemplifies how misleading information is spread across the internet and social media to undermine democratic processes and manipulate public opinion. The research objectives include assessing the extent of automation within Russian propaganda and disinformation campaigns, analysing the tools and methods used for this automation, evaluating the threats these tools pose, and examining the role of artificial intelligence. Through applying Harold Lasswell's communication process model and the RICH DATA framework, the project seeks to comprehensively analyse the "Doppelganger" operation, aiming to enhance societal resilience against such threats by developing effective countermeasures and offering policy recommendations.