Dr. Žilvinas Martinaitis
Associate professor
Research groups
Research group in political economy
Research areas
Comparative Politics and Political Sociology
Public Administration
Additional info
Žilvinas Martinaitis graduated from the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University in 2004. He holds a Master’s degree in European Political Economy from the London School of Economics and Political Science (2005). In 2010 Ž. Martinaitis defended his dissertation “The Political Economy of Skills Formation: Explaining the Differences in Central and Eastern Europe” at the IIRPS VU. Since 2006 he teaches at IIRPS VU as well.
Moksliniai projektai
- Impact of deindustrialization and reindustrialization on the skills of the population (2017-2019), Research Council of Lithuania, program – Modernity in Lithuania, project leader.
- Middle income traps: international value chains, competencies and innovations in CEE countries (2017-2019), Research Council of Lithuania, researcher.
- Skills in Central and Eastern European countries (2012-2014), Research Council of Lithuania, program – Postdoctoral internships in Lithuania, research fellow at Kaunas University of Technology.
- Vicious circle? Research on circular migration of the Lithuanian population (2010-2012), Research Council of Lithuania, researcher.
- Trends in the structure and activities of Lithuanian authorities (2010-2011), Research Council of Lithuania, researcher.
Selected conference papers
- Martinaitis, Ž., Christenko, A. (2018) „High or low? Approaches to measuring skills of labour force“ 30th EAPEA annual conference, Nice, 2018, September 5-8
- Žilvinas Martinaitis, Aleksandr Christenko, Pijus Krūminas, Agnė Paliokaitė, „Impact of industrial change on skills during economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe“, the 29th Annual EAEPE Conference, Corvinius University, Budapest, 19-21 October 2017.
- Žilvinas Martinaitis, „Maturity of evaluation systems: evidence from Lithuania“, the 12th EES Biennial Conference: Evaluation Futures in Europe and Beyond: Connectivity, Innovation and Use, Maastricht, 26-30 September, 2016.
- Žilvinas Martinaitis, „Labour Market Security during the Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of Skills and Institutions“, Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics conference „Moral Economies, Economic Moralities, University of California, Berkeley (JAV), 24-26 June, 2016.
Courses taught
Game Theory
Master's Colloquium
Policy Analysis
Analysis of Education and Science Policy
Research methods of Social Science
Research Design and Analysis of Causality
Research interests
Knowledge management systems (interaction of labor market and education systems)
Game theory
Comparative public administration
Martinaitis, Ž., Barzotto, M., Sadauskaite, A., (2021) "Adaptation trajectories of dismissed workers: a critical case study of the Lithuanian radio-electronics sector“, Work, Employment and Society, https://doi.org/10.1177/09500170211041296
Martinaitis Ž., Christenko A., Antanavičius J. (2020). “Upskilling, deskilling or polarisation? Evidence on change in skills in Europe”, Work, Employment and Society, Vol. 35 (3), https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017020937934
Christenko, A., Martinaitis, Ž., Gaušas, S. (2020). “Specific and general skills: concepts, dimensions, and measurements”. Competition & change, Vol 24(1), pp. 44-69. doi.org/10.1177/1024529419882554
Martinaitis, Ž., Christenko, A., & Kraučiūnienė, L. (2019). “Evaluation systems: How do they frame, generate and use evidence?” Evaluation, 25(1), pp. 46–61. https://doi.org/10.1177/1356389018802135
Martinaitis Ž. (2018) “European promises: policy options of Eastern partnership policy”, Baltic Journal of European Studies, Vol. 8 (2), pp. 164–181. https://doi.org/10.1515/bjes-2018-0020
Secundo, Giustina, Susana Elena-Perez, Žilvinas Martinaitis, Karl-Heinz Leitner, "An Intellectual Capital framework to measure universities' third mission activities", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 123, pp. 229-239. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2016.12.013