Project idea
Implementation of the project activities addresses two major problems:
Firstly, Lithuanian higher education and research institutions preparing doctors (persons maintaining a doctor‘s thesis) in humanities and social sciences (hereinafter – SSH) provide qualification which needs to be improved in order to successfully compete in a labor market and professionally fulfill research and exploratory development (R & D) directions of research, preserving national identity in the context of globalization.
Secondly, there is no approved and effectively operating system for PhD‘s training and continuing education, which could promote interests of young doctors in scientific careers, while preserving national identity in the context of globalization.
Successful project implementation provides renewal of SSH PhD studies and creation of a postgraduate post-doctoral studies model.
Experience could be applied in other Lithuanian higher education and research institutions for preparation of the professionals to satisfy the needs of science and labor market; to create conditions for the development of professional skills that are needed in R & D priority areas of interdisciplinary research.
This can be achieved only through close cooperation between faculties of humanities and social science.
SSH has potential for the research and direct impact on the creation of democratic and civil society, its sustainable social, economic and cultural development, ethnic and cultural identity support, global and modern geopolitical processes analysis, ensuring functioning of a lifelong learning system etc., thus contributing to sustainable social, spiritual and material development of Lithuanian society.
Activities of the project are implemented in six faculties of humanities and social sciences at Vilnius University: Philosophy, History, Philology, Communication, Economics and at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science. All of these faculties and the Institute, as well as project partners, organize and implement PhD programs preparing highly qualified specialists.
Participating institutions
Project executor - Vilnius university, project partners – Institute of the Lithuanian Language and Vytautas Magnus University