About Us
„Institutas – vienas jauniausių Vilniaus universiteto padalinių, kūręsis ir augęs kartu su nepriklausoma Lietuvos valstybe. Čia formavosi Lietuvos politikos mokslai, išaugo ne viena mokslininkų karta. Instituto alumnai dalyvavo svarbiausiuose Lietuvos istorijos procesuose. Per beveik tris dešimtmečius susiformavo stipri Institutą palaikanti bendruomenė. Šiandien, puoselėdami tai, kas buvo sukurta, žengiame žingsnį pirmyn, pasitelkdami inovacijas ir tarpdiscipliniškumą siekiame dalyvauti kompleksinių pasaulio problemų sprendime, prisidėdami savo tyrimais ir ugdydami kritiškai mąstančią, motyvuotą, platų socialinių mokslų išsilavinimą turinčią jaunąją kartą, kuri aktyviai imasi lyderystės.“ – VU TSPMI direktorė prof. Margarita Šešelgytė

Our mission
Educating Creative Leaders for Lithuania and the World
Our vision
Lively Community of Teachers, Researchers, Students and Alumni
Our values
Academic Freedom, Critical and Creative Thinking based on Mutual Respect
Institute of International Relations and Political Science (IIRPS) at Vilnius University is one of the most prominent social sciences institutions in Eastern Europe and the Baltic region. The Institute is an academic institution specializing in social and political sciences. IIRPS holds faculty status at Vilnius University. The Institute has been educating a new generation of the intellectual elite in Lithuania for more than 25 years. The young generation that is curious, socially active, oriented towards universal education and possessing minds of wide scope. After the establishment in 1992, the Institute has quickly become one of the leading social sciences institutions and was one of the first in the Baltic region to develop a political science program. Soon after that, it grew into an active actor in the academia as well as the society.
The Institute is proud to have gathered together a number of prominent experts on national, European and international politics who are renowned for their competent and original public commentaries, expert knowledge and professional experience. Our experts conduct both critical analysis of contemporary social science issues, political philosophy, international relations, and policy-oriented research, for example, in policy administration and public policy analysis. They have contributed extensively to the analysis of Lithuania’s accession into the EU and NATO and its role in these organizations and other international structures, country’s relationships with its neighbours in the region, including Nordic-Baltic countries, Poland as well as Eastern partners.
The institute is the highest-rated research institution in Lithuania according to the STRATA Lithuanian Research and Higher Education Analysis Centre (formerly known as MOSTA). Centre’s experts acknowledged the institute for high-level international publications, participation in various international research networks (including ECPR, EUSA, APSA, and ISA) as well as important research projects carried out. The assessment also praised the Institute for its’ significant impact on social and economic development of Lithuania, noting the influence on policy-making as well as close ties to decision-makers and society.
IIRPS conducts three-level studies: BA in Political Science and BA in Politics of Global Challenges and six MA Master programmes: ARQUS Joint Master’s Programme European Studies (taught in English), International Relations and Diplomacy, Studies of Contemporary Politics, Public Policy Analysis, Politics and Media and Eastern European and Russian Studies (taught in English). We also conduct full time and external PhD studies.
For more than ten years IIRPS remains amongst the top choices among Lithuanian high school graduates attracting students with outstanding exam achievements. On different criteria, the Institute boasts the most motivated students who excel in their studies and are actively involved into the social life of the Institute.
"From the first moment, the IIRPS VU community made me feel fully part of it; joining organisations, events and participating in academic discussions, I have never felt so fulfilled and on the right path."
"I read about many universities in Lithuania and applied to many places, but everything was related to politics, public policy, diplomacy, and so on. But IIRPS was in the first place because I saw a new program that interested me a lot because I hadn't seen anything similar anywhere else"
"The Institute is an exciting place to be. I am especially happy to be here at the launch of the brand-new BA programme in the ‘Politics of Global Challenges’. Teaching a cohort of students who are so engaged, driven, and optimistic, especially during such difficult and uncertain times, is a real honour."
The Board of Trustees is an advisory panel of experts, businessmen, diplomats and international advisors. Its role is to help the Director of IIRPS VU in implementing policies that are in line with the Institute’s vision and mission.
Since the beginning of 2019, Vilnius University is participating in the project “Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia (SPEAR)”, which is a part of the “Science with and for Society” (Horizon 2020) programme. The project aims to develop and implement gender equality plans in higher education institutions. More information on the project is presented here.
Despite the dominant culture of openness, involvement, and discussion at IIRPS VU, participation in the project encourages the institutionalization of gender equality norms and values as well as contributes to ensuring their long-term sustainability. During the project IIRPS VU will seek to establish policies and responsibilities for the implementation of gender equality principles among staff and students, ensure gender balance in the governance of the institute, and create favourable conditions for professional development and career, regardless of gender, marital status or other discriminatory grounds. The introduction of anti-discrimination measures is seen as a way to strengthen the institute’s sustainable tradition of community spirit and ensure its future development. The project goals and activities set by IIRPS VU combine the specifics of the institute, the expectations of the community and the strategy of VU diversity and equal opportunities for 2020-2025 (the document is provided here).
Vilnius University participates in the SPEAR project together with the following European universities: SDU (Denmark), Uppsala University (Sweden), RWTH Aachen University (Germany), South-West University Neofit Rilski (Bulgaria), Plovdivski Universitet Paisiy Hilendarski (Bulgaria), Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), Sveucilise u Rijeci (Croatia).
The Council of the Institute is a collegial self-governance body formed for a period of four years.
Protocols of Council Meetings
Nr. T-2017-1 Nr. T-2017-2 Nr. T-2017-3 Nr. T-2017-4 Nr. T-2017-5 Nr. T-2017-6 Nr. T-2017-7 Nr. T-2017-8 Nr. T-2017-9 Nr. T-2017-10 Nr. T-2017-11 Nr. T-2017-12 Nr. T-2024-06Director of the Institute is the head of core academic unit, elected by secret vote in the council of the unit and recommended to the Rector for appointment. The term of office of the head of a core academic unit shall be five years. The same person may hold the office of the head of a core academic unit for no longer than two consecutive terms.
Dr. Lina Strupinskienė
Deputy Director for Studies
Phone: (5) 251 4132 lina.strupinskiene@tspmi.vu.ltDr. Vilius Mačkinis
Deputy Director for Science and Research
Phone: (5) 251 4133 vilius.mackinis@tspmi.vu.ltDisputes over the ethics of members of the University community shall be heard by academic ethics commissions of core academic units.
Disputes related with research and studies and those between students and other members of the University community, except disputes concerned with academic ethics and disputes over labour relations, shall be heard by standing commissions for dispute resolution of core academic units.