doc. dr. Margarita Šešelgytė
Elisabeth Bauer
dr. Raimondas Ibenskas
dr. Martin Molder
Pranešimus skaitys: dr. Jogilė Ulinskaitė
doc. dr. Liutauras Gudžinskas
prof. dr. Vello Pettai
dr. Liisa Talving
prof. Zaneta Ozolina
prof. Ainė Ramonaitė
dr. Piret Ehin
doc. dr. Mažvydas Jastramskis
doktorantas Harijs Karklins
dr. Mihkel Solvak
doc. dr. Inga Vinogradnaitė
prof. dr. Iveta Reinholde
Last year all three Baltic States celebrated the centenary of the declaration of their independence. Together with state-wide festivities discussions about past and future development were offered, state-building processes analysed and achievements of freedom celebrated. All three – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – have developed along similar paths, but at the same time face unique challenges and have made different political decisions. In this respect, all three Baltic cases are worth comparing and analysing. Thus research ideas, projects, agendas, and results would greatly benefit from a comparative perspective. At the same time, there is a need not only for comparison but for stronger cooperation between political science researchers as well. The Joint Session devoted to political science research in the Baltic States is a great platform to assess and compare research already done as well as serve as an incentive for collaborative ideas and projects.
Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University together with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is organising a joint session titled “Comparing the Baltics: New agenda for Political Science” on 13th-14th of September. Prominent political scientists from all three Baltic States willdiscuss most important political science issues and research projects and share their views on future research prospects for Baltic political science.