On 8th of March, at 16:45, in room 304 the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands Bert van der Lingen will give a lecture on topic “12th Presidency of the Netherlands of the Council of the European Union: objectives and the meaning for process of European politics.” During this lecture an ambassador will try to answer such questions as what is the meaning of changing the lead state and what depends on it? How can we meassure the success of this presidency? He will also discuss previous experience of the Netherlands during the presidency time.
Bert van der Lingen is specialising in Eastern European Affairs. He conducted his MA research on events in Hungary in 1980/81. He studied International Relations at the Clingendael Institute, after his studies he started the Diplomatic Class of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1984. Later he served as Deputy Head of NATO Mission both in Sofia and in Dublin. Since 2014 Bert van der Lingen is the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Lithuania.