Public lecture by assoc. prof. Corneliu Bjola “Digital Diplomacy: Shaping International Affairs one Tweet at a time”
Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University (IIRPS VU) together with Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania (MFA) invited to the public lecture by associate professor in Diplomatic Studies at the University of Oxford Corneliu Bjola on topic “Digital Diplomacy: Shaping International Affairs one Tweet at a time”.
Digital diplomacy, also referred to as eDiplomacy, has been defined as the use of the Internet and new information communication technologies to help achieve diplomatic objectives. Once again social media, and especially Twitter, became „the topic“ after Donald Trump has been elected as a President of the United States of America. In his lecture assoc. prof. Corneliu Bjola tried to provide a general overview of the contributions and limitations of digital diplomacy. Lecture was followed by discussion. Moderator: dr. Nerijus Maliukevičius (IIRPS VU).
Corneliu Bjola is Associate Professor in Diplomatic Studies at the University of Oxford.