Original title: Ambicingas dešimtmetis: Lietuvos užsienio politika 2004–2014 m.
Publishing date: 2015
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 503
How can one talk about Lithuanian foreign policy from 2004 to 2014? This is the general question that the book is trying to find an answer to. The way towards this aim is based onmore simple and conrete questions at the beginning: what was the foreign policy? Under what conditions was it implemented? What discussions have shaped it? Then the book moves on to answer the more difficult questions: How efficient were the strategies employed? To what extent can bilateral relations be formed? What strategies and why work in multilateral forums and international institutions? Finally, theoretical questions are raised: How can one evaluate the effectiveness of the foreign policy? How could the case of Lithuania contribute to the studies of the small states?
Cite as: Jakniūnaitė D. (sud.) (2015) Ambicingas dešimtmetis: Lietuvos užsienio politika 2004–2014 m. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.