Published in: German (Anatomie der Geisel das Jubilaum von Kaliningrad), English (Anatomie der Geisel das Jubilaum von Kaliningrad), and Russian (Анатомия заложника. Досье калининградского юбилея) kalbomis.
Publishing date: 2007, 2006, 2006.
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, Baltic Defence College, Алетейя
Pages: 155, 255, 140
The concept of geopolitical hostage reveals the essence and dynamics of the Kaliningrad dossier. The question is why Russia continuously encouraged treating the said exclave area as a specific region but did not allow for the said aspect to be manifested in practice? Two directions are examined. The first one covers the issues of criticism of viewpoints and ways of treatment, applied in the Kaliningrad problem studies in order to highlight their development phases and the political and academic interest, which determined them. The second direction is a review of the Kaliningrad studies segments, referred to as the media, forming the Kaliningrad dossier, which are considered the factors determining the expression of state of relation between the metropolis (Russian Federation) and an individual territorial fragment (Kaliningrad Area), geopolitically separated from the metropolis: 1. Strategic capacity of Russia’s government and its need to rule the exclave; a) legitimatization of dependence of the legal area to Russia; b) efficiency of rule; c) military function of the exclave. 2. The aspect of other states and international institutions in the Kaliningrad problem. 3. Ensuring of connection between the exclave and the metropolis (issues of military, passenger and trade transit). Attempts are made to reveal the variants of the relation, existing between the segments and the eventual relation of their dependence or the hierarchy. One of the conclusions states that directions of transformation of the Kaliningrad Area as a geopolitical hostage will depend on whether Russia’s policy in regard to the area will create the preconditions for the federal centre to use the exclave as a jump-off site for increase of its influence in the EU to a greater extent than the increase of opening of the Kaliningrad Area to the EU. [Excerpt]
Cite as:
Lopata, R. (2007) Anatomie der Geisel das Jubilaum von Kaliningrad. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
Lopata, R. (2006) Anatomy of a Hostage: Kaliningrad anniversary case. Tartu: Baltic Defence College.
Lopata, R. (2006) Анатомия заложника. Досье калининградского юбилея. Санкт-Петербург: Алетейя.
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