Original title: Istorijos politikos modeliai ir kryptys: Europos Sąjungos, Lenkijos, Rusijos ir Baltarusijos istorijos politika
Publishing date: 2014
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 288
This book analyzes the politics of history of the European Union, Poland, Russia, and Belarus to discern the main actors, means and dominating narratives in the politics of history of these four political formations. The questions are raised on how consistent or, on the contrary, fragmented is the politics of history of these neigbours, what interests it serves, and what are the pillars of the dominating historical narratives.
Cite as: Gudžinskas, L. (2014) et al. Istorijos politikos modeliai ir kryptys: Europos Sąjungos, Lenkijos, Rusijos ir Baltarusijos istorijos politika. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
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