Original title: Kalbėjimas paraštėse: alternatyvios viešosios erdvės Lietuvoje
Publishing date: 2009
Publisher: Versus Aureus
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 231
Contemporary public areas perform a necessary function of information provision to citizens and publicising actions by government authorities. It also educates citizens by developing their political thinking. Therefore, public areas and people’s communication within it require additional research, thus the aim of this new book is to explain the place and role of alternative and “not serious” public areas within the network of citizens’ communication where information and opinions on the world common for all citizens circulate. What is the extent and what are the aims of Lithuanian citizens using the new virtual area? Is it a place for somebody to get more information and discuss about political life and public topicalities? The book reveals the role new alternative areas play in the citizens’ communicative network within an environment where a public opinion develops and emerges.
Cite as: Vinogradnaitė, I. (2009) Kalbėjimas paraštėse: alternatyvios viešosios erdvės Lietuvoje. Vilnius: Versus aureus.