Original title: Kur prasideda ir baigiasi Rusija: kaimynystė politikoje
Publishing date: 2007
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 175
This book is the first attempt to look into a well-known phenomenon of neighborhood. Neighborhood is characterized by inevitability and proximity, which entangles a social actor into a system of complicated relations. On the one hand, that system does not allow to escape its traps, but on the other – it grants various opportunities to construct neighborhood relations according to one’s own image. The book seeks to understand and to explain this process by forming a neighborhood analysis model.
Cite as: Jakniūnaitė, D. (2007) Kur prasideda ir baigiasi Rusija: kaimynystė tarptautinėje politikoje. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
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