Original title: Lietuvos politinės minties antologija II: Politinė mintis išeivijoje 1944-1990
Publishing date: 2013
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 640
This second volume of the anthology consists of the most important pieces of the Lithuanian exile political thought. Ideological diversity is reflected by differing interpretations of nationhood, liberality, various views on the Soviet regime and relations with the occupied Lithuania. The texts are sorted out by the themes frequent in exile political thought and presented in a chronological order. Just like in the first volume, every text is followed by a short biogram with a photo, as well as references to relevant works and research of the author.
The anthology is first and foremost dedicated to the academic youth, and the whole political community that seeks to know and to take over their country’s tradition of political thought.
Cite as: Dementavičius, J. et al. (sud.) (2013) Lietuvos politinės minties antologija II: Politinė mintis išeivijoje 1944-1990. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
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