Original title: Neatrasta galia: Lietuvos pilietinės visuomenės žemėlapis
Publishing date: 2006
Publisher: Versus Aureus
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 405
Is Lithuanian civic society strong enough, does it want to and is it capable of participating in state management, can it control political powers? Does Lithuania have public space in which the political thinking skills of the citizens are developed? Are the civic values, which are needed so that the society could act for the good of the entire society, strong enough? These are the questions to which the authors of the monographic work Undiscovered Powers are searching using extensive research data. The book analyzes the state of the civic society in Lithuania, reveals obstacles that hinder its development, shows what undiscovered civic powers Lithuanian society still has. The book presents the map of Lithuanian civic society, which comprises nine levels: formal civic society organizations, informal networks, electoral residents’ activities, non-conventional political activities, direct discussions of the citizens about politics, public space created by the media and press, residents support for political community, social trust, tolerance and solidarity, as well as support for democracy. The book is intended not only for scientists and students, but also for members of civic organizations, politicians, teachers, all Lithuanian citizens, those who care about the development of the independent society.
Cite as: Žiliukaitė, Rūta et al. (2006) Neatrasta galia: Lietuvos pilietinės visuomenės žemėlapis. Vilnius: Versus aureus.