Original title: Mums reikia vado? Prezidento institucija nuo Landsbergio iki Nausėdos
Publishing date: 2021
Publisher: „Baltų lankų“ leidyba
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 304
The institution of the President of the Republic of Lithuania has been formed for the last 30 years of independence, but some discussions about the presidential powers and the role of the President remain in place. What are the limits of functions of a Lithuanian President? Why did political scientists used to call President Algirdas M. Brazauskas sneaky? Could we actually consider Vytautas Landsbergis as a President of the Republic of Lithuania? How was the institution of the President changed by the two terms of Presidency of Dalia Grybauskaitė? How does Lithuania compare to the rest of the world? Finally, what do Lithuanians want more: a commander or just an arbiter of democratic balance?
Drawing on years worth of sociological data, scientific research, comments by political experts and practitioners, presidential biographies, and personal conversations with the Presidents, dr. Mažvydas Jastramskis answers all these and many other questions regarding the institution of the President of the Republic of Lithuania. In his book, the researcher compares the role and characteristics of former and current Presidents as well as discusses their importance in Lithuanian politics from the restoration of Independence to our days.
Cite as: Jastramskis, M. (2021) Mums reikia vado? Prezidento institucija nuo Landsbergio iki Nausėdos. Vilnius: „Baltų lankų“ leidyba.
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