Original title: Rusijos raidos scenarijai: implikacijos Lietuvos ir regiono saugumui
Publishing date: 2016
Publisher: Aukso žuvys
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 319
This monograph thoroughly answers the essential questions regarding the security of Lithuania (and other Baltic states): how the interior politics of Russia affects its foreign policy, what external and internal aspects determine the priorities of Russian foreign and security policies, which ideological contents serve as a basis for Kremlin’s international actions, what role hypermilitarized Kaliningrad area and closely militarily integrated Belarus carry out in Russian security strategy regarding the Baltic states, and, finally, what are the possible scenarios of Russian politics towards the Baltic states.
Cite as: Ivanauskas, V. et al. (2016) Rusijos raidos scenarijai: implikacijos Lietuvos ir regiono saugumui. Vilnius: Aukso žuvys.