Original title: Lietuvos narystės Europos Sąjungoje dvidešimtmetis. Pokyčiai ir perspektyvos
Publishing date: 2024
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Language: Lietuvių
Pages: 147
This volume marks the 20th anniversary of Lithuania’s membership in the European Union and contributes to the library of ‘occasional analysis’ of Lithuania’s experience in the European Union (EU). The five years that have passed since the 15th anniversary of membership in 2019 have again been very dynamic, full of events and processes that ambiguously affected both the European Union and its member state – Lithuania. On the other hand, although the European Union and Lithuania have lived through turbulent times, they have managed until now to overcome the crises and implement their planned objectives. The passing of another five years shows that the European Union remains a fundamental pillar for European states, and it was obviously ill-considered to talk about its possible disintegration. The crises and upheavals that Lithuania experienced together with the entire European Union did not change the vector of the country’s development, and basically the benefits and opportunities offered by membership were appropriately used. But, of course, the anniversary is not only an opportunity to evaluate the path taken, but also a good time to think about what is ahead and project the country’s future presence and functioning in the EU. In this way, the publication touches on very important topics – changing identity, improving public administration, functioning legal integration, working in the common market, the impact of structural funds, fundamental changes in the energy infrastructure, geopolitical changes and defence, the impact of possible EU expansion, and future development scenarios.
Cite as: Vitkus, G., et al. (ed.) (2024) Lietuvos narystės Europos Sąjungoje dvidešimtmetis. Pokyčiai ir perspektyvos. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
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