Original title: Žiūrėti ir būti žiūrimai: feministinės kino teorijos sąvokos ir komiksai
Publishing date: 2023
Publisher: leidykla LAPAS
Language: Lietuvių
Pages: 144
What connects cyborgs and musicals, the pleasure of cinema and stereotypes, voice and emancipation?
“To Watch and to Be Watched”, bringing together texts by Natalija Arlauskaitė and comics by Miglė Anušauskaitė, presents the fundamental concepts of feminist cinema theory. Why are they needed? Because cinema creates, reproduces and changes the image of the world, which is full of stereotypes and all sorts of hierarchies. This book offers a vocabulary that helps to recognize, analyze and (no less importantly!) to laugh at the cinema, the roles it assigns to us and our experiences of watching it. The authors say, “We came up with the idea for this book to make thinking about cinema as fun as watching it is”.
Cite as: Arlauskaitė, N., Anušauskaitė, M. (2023) Žiūrėti ir būti žiūrimai: feministinės kino teorijos sąvokos ir komiksai. Vilnius: leidykla LAPAS.
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