Original title: Tradicijos palikimas: centro dešinės ideologinė vaizduotė Lietuvoje
Publishing date: 2023
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Language: Lietuvių
Pages: 444
This monograph analyses the ideological imagination of the Lithuanian Center-Right, Christian democracy and Conservatism, its genesis at the end of the 19 c., its change and state in contemporary Lithuania. Based on the Oxford school of ideology analysis, the core Center-Right concepts are discerned (person, community, worldview, state, social justice, democracy, freedom, history), and the tradition of their interpretations in the political thought of Lithuania and Europe is reflected. When analyzing the concepts, they are connected to the intellectuals that have considered and developed them (Adomas Jakštas-Dambrauskas, Jurgis Matulaitis, Stasys Šalkauskis, Mykolas Krupavičius, Antanas Maceina, Pranas Dielininkaitis, Vytautas Landsbergis) and to their later interpretations in political discussions and the contemporary thinking of Lithuanian parties. The understanding of Lithuanian Conservatism and Christian democracy is also analyzed. Moreover, the importance of Catholic underground activities during the Soviet era to the continuity of moderate Right tradition is discussed. A comprehensive picture of Lithuanian Center-Right development is presented, its most important intellectuals are considered, and their ideas are contextualized in the discussions of their times regarding the defence of certain political principles.
Cite as: Dementavičius, J. (2023) Tradicijos palikimas: centro dešinės ideologinė vaizduotė Lietuvoje. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
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