Original title: Trys lietuviškosios Europos: tauta, Europa, ES dabartinėje tapatybėje
Publishing date: 2014
Publisher: Naujasis židinys-Aidai
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 208
The question of Lithuania in Europe has been one of the most emotionally and intellectually stimulating during last decades. Joining the European Union in 2004 could be considered a breakthrough in contemporary Lithuanian identity, even though it was a process rather than an event. This event is also related to important cultural and political processes as Lithuania becomes more and more of a European-like state and society. They unavoidably transform the Lithuanian identity, encourage deeper reflection and understanding about what the Lithuanian nation and state are, how they relate to being European, what model of the EU we would consider as a good place to live and create in. Ten years after joining the EU these topics still attract quite a lot of attention in Lithuania. However, the cultural attitudes towards the EU in Lithuania are dominantly critical. The absence of a positive cultural image or perspective of the EU or, rather, its weak presence is a paradox. The country has had ten years of experience inside the EU, and last year Lithuania successfully enjoyed the Presidency to the EU Council. What inhibits Lithuanians from feeling as full-fledged Europeans? Why being European is sometimes experienced as an addition to the true and authentic Lithuanian self-identification or even as contrary to it? Why are Lithuanians still “rejoining” Europe and when are they going to finally be rejoined? What is the “Europe” that could be considered by Lithuanians to be meaningful, our own and worthy of efforts to create and defend? These are the main questions that have stimulated the ideas of this book. […]. [Excerpt]
Cite as: Putinaitė N., Trys lietuviškosios Europos: tauta, Europa, ES dabartinėje tapatybėje. Vilnius: Naujasis židinys-Aidai.
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