Original title: Ukraina po oranžinės revoliucijos: vidaus ir užsienio politikos tendencijos
Publishing date: 2007
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Language: Lithuanian
Pages: 176
In this book, Ukrainian politics are analyzed in terms of several aspects: firstly, trying to explain how the relations of Kyiv, the US (NATO) and Russia have developed after the Orange revolution; secondly, the Central and Eastern European policies towards Ukraine are discussed; thirdly, the relations of the European Union and Ukraine are analyzed in the context of the European neighborhood policy. Finally, the research discusses the regional political ambitions of Ukraine – specifically, regarding the regulation of the Transnistria conflict.
Cite as: Gražulis, A. et al (2007) Ukraina po oranžinės revoliucijos: vidaus ir užsienio politikos tendencijos. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
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