
Library at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science (VU IIRPS) is located in the same building as the Institute itself. Institute‘s library contains more than 42.000 books. The thematic range spans from political and social science books to philosophy and literary theory. The library has the Open Lithuania Foundation book collection which is considered to be one of the most established and prominent book collections in the region.

There are 72 working places in the library, 10 of them are provided with personal computers, there are 16 places for studying in groups and resting. All of the publications are available in an open fund (reading room). For the questions about searching for sources (electronic resources, databases, books, etc.) and using information management programs, please contact the librarian.

Opening hours

Borrowing books: Mon-Fri 10:00-17:00 Reading rooms: Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00

