Apie programą
Politikos mokslų doktorantūra - tai aukščiausia politikos mokslų studijų pakopa, kuria rengiami politikos mokslų daktarai, plėtojami politikos mokslai Lietuvoje. Politikos mokslų doktorantūra apima: doktorantūros studijas, kryptingus mokslinius tyrimus ir disertacijos rengimą. Kaip teigia dr. Vilius Mačkinis, VU TSPMI direktorės pavaduotojas mokslui,„politikos mokslų doktorantūros studijos VU TSPMI ugdo mokslininkus, dėstytojus ir ekspertus pasitelkiant įtraukimo, atgalinio ryšio ir dėmesio kiekvienam doktorantui strategijas siekiant geriausių disertacijų tyrimų rezultatų, aukštos mokslinės kompetencijos ir metodologinio ir pedagoginio pasirengimo.“
Programme Past dissertationsFull time PhD Studies
Duration of doctoral studies is 4 years.
The fee of doctoral studies in political science is 10758 Euro per year
During the first month of studies PhD student in co-operation with an appointed supervisor/tutor has to prepare a Plan of doctoral studies.
Doctoral program consists of:
1. Studies and exams (it is recommended to pass exams during the first year of studies) – three exams have to be passed, two compulsory (Methodology of Political Science and Political Sociology) and one optional (may be chosen from a list of offered doctoral study subjects) (30 credits);
2. Research and preparation of PhD thesis
By the end of each year student is evaluated by the commission, which assess the progress of research and implementation of study plan during the calendar year.
To be admitted to the defence of doctoral dissertation, student has:
1. To pass exams; (30 credits )
2. To publish at least two articles, related to the topic of dissertation (articles have to be published or submitted to press in the publications as identified by the Government of Lithuania)
3. To present research results in international conferences
The dissertation has to be prepared according to the requirements, as set by the Research Council of Lithuania.
Dissertation is defended in public before the commission of defence, which consists of five scholars. During the defence, a candidate presents his/her research results, answers the questions of two appointed opponents and the members of the commission of defence. Decision concerning the recognition of doctoral degree is made by the commission.
External PhD studies
Procedures and requirements are the same as for full time studies.
The fee of external doctoral studies is 10758 Euro
To be admitted to the defence of doctoral dissertation, student has:
3. To pass exams; (30 credits )
4. To publish at least two articles, related to the topic of dissertation (articles have to be published or submitted to press in the publications as identified by the Government of Lithuania)
3. To present research results in two international conferences
The dissertation has to be prepared according to the requirements, as set by the Research Council of Lithuania.
Dissertation is defended in public before the commission of defence, which consists of five scholars. During the defence, a candidate presents his/her research results, answers the questions of the members of the commission of defence. Decision concerning the recognition of doctoral degree is made by the commission.
For more information please consult Vilnius University Regulation on Doctoral Studies