Ieva Miklaševskaja
IIRPS VU Alumni, IIRPS VU International Officer
You successfully defended your Master thesis this year in IIRPS VU. Why did you choose to study European studies? Tell us more about your experience.
When I finished my bachelor studies here at the IIRPS VU, I was thinking about the possibility of studying Economics, however, in the end, I decided to study European Studies. During these two years I learned more about various different aspects of the EU, the studies also allowed me to rethink the ways EU is spreading its power. In my opinion, all Master programmes at the IIRPS VU give a chance to students to keep in touch with the most influential political scientists of our country, share their opinions with them and discuss them. This experience broadens students‘ minds and shapes their views on political life and different political events in the world nowadays.
You started working at the Institute this week as the Coordinator of International Programmes. What are your expectations?
It was strange coming back to the university and realizing that I am not a student anymore, but the whole team welcomed me warmly. I hope that it will not take too long to get to know my colleagues and get familiar with my duties and I will be able to help students in the best way possible. So, dear students, please be patient if it will take longer to answer to your letters at the beginning!
You also work with a famous Lithuanian illusionist Mantas Wizard. Could you tell us more about this experience?
Mantas is a true professional and one of the most famous illusionists in Lithuania. Although I still believe that I am going to get my letter from Hogwarts, during all those years working together with an illusionist, I understood that the art of illusion is hard work, which requires preparation and devotion. A trick that takes a few minutes to perform sometimes takes a year of rehearsals. That careless smile hides hours of hard work. I tried to do some easy tricks that require tenderness and sleight of hands and even now when I know almost all the secrets of the tricks, sometimes I still believe that there is some kind of magic involved after all.
A huge part of your life is dedicated to dancing. When did you start dancing? Have you participated in any contests or TV shows yet?
I started dancing when I was 7 and now it’s a major part of my life. Dancing taught me concentration, discipline and fostered probably even more stubbornness than I already had. It was never simply an after-school activity, it has always been my life. Our dancing club had participated in a Lithuanian TV show “Dance with me” for a long time, so I had an opportunity to perform there. That’s where I met Mantas Wizard and now it has been 7 years since we started working on various projects as partners. All the experiences helped me to get to where I am now and I could not be happier about it. Since I finished my studies, I have more free time which I am planning to spend dancing and performing. Therefore, I hope that in the nearest future I will be able to share another successful project with you.
You also work at “Brain Gym”. What are your main responsibilities there?
Brain training center “Brain Gym” has started work in Lithuania more than two years ago. We rely on the most effective programme in the world “BrainRx” which essentially means individual work with the client and long-standing results. This programme fits everyone, from 6 year old children to grown-ups who want to improve their memory, cognitive skills, overall results related to problem-solving and learning. While working with kids and grown-ups we train all 7 major cognitive skills. I think there’s huge meaning in this programme and the help that we are offering people. We are capable of doing much more than we can imagine, you just have to be patient and stubborn while trying to reach your goals.