Kamilė Bartusevičiūtė
IIRPS VU alumna
You graduated from IIRPS VU, and now you are the first woman to win the Lithuanian Sommelier Championship. How did your path take you from political science to the world of wine?
The place where I am currently working is on the way from the trolley bus stop to the Institute, so you could say – on the way. I’ve been working in restaurants since the beginning of my studies, and wine has always seemed mysterious but indescribably interesting. Before the last year of my studies, I took a short break from the Institute, so I decided to use my free time to challenge myself in a particular field. I wanted to find out whether it would be interesting to work exclusively with wine. I didn’t get very far away from the Institute, though – I got a job at SOMM, a wine bar on Pylimo Street, a place that focuses on wines and is run by some of the best Lithuanian sommeliers. Well, in terms of learning load and development, they also try to keep up. It was hard to stop when I started learning, and it wouldn’t have been possible because there is always something new to know (just like in the Institute, maybe that’s why I got excited so quickly). Maybe it’s no coincidence that I still wave to familiar faces walking towards the Institute from the bus stop through the SOMM windows.
You were actively involved in student organisations at university; what do you miss most from your studies, or what are the best memories you still have today?
It is very difficult to choose because all the years I spent at the Institute were really memorable, valuable and very diverse. I would briefly mention being part of the PoDi band, representing the interests of the bachelor’s students in committees and writing my final thesis with Prof. Alvydas Jokubaitis. However, the people I met over the years are by far the most important part of my memories. The Institute has a special power to bring people together, and it is the academic community itself that I miss the most. I am glad that I still have a part of it with me!
The profession of a sommelier and the field of political science are very different. Does the knowledge gained during your studies at IIRPS VU contribute in any way to your professional goals today?
Of course, it does. The knowledge acquired during my studies is extremely versatile. Look at how many different professional fields IIRPS VU graduates have! Also, if we want to, we can find similarities everywhere. During our studies at the Institute, we learned the art of selecting the right information, as well as the practical art of absorbing as much of it as possible in the shortest possible time. I won’t lie, it really helps a lot to prepare for the championships. At the same time, we have learned to be tactful and open to a variety of opinions. That, after all, is something we deal with every day.
You work in a male-dominated field; what would you like to say to girls and women working in male-dominated fields?
I would wish to dominate! 😀
Actually, more and more girls are getting into sommelier work! For example, at the end of September, I had the opportunity to visit Latvia, where there were more women than men in the National Sommelier Championship.
I think you should look at a male-dominated field like any other field and just pursue your goals! After all, if it is the field you have chosen, you like it. I wish you to be friendly, patient, sincere and just enjoy it.
What would you like to wish the IIRPS VU community?
To keep ambition, curiosity and the desire to inspire others. The community is the purest and most wonderful part of the IIRPS VU, and I would most like to wish you to remember to nurture that community and cherish the time you spend together.