Kotryna Prasauskaitė
IIRPS VU Politics of Global Challenges student
How did you choose to study at IIRPS VU? What are your impressions about your studies?
I am a rather spontaneous person, so I made my final decision rather late. It was hard to know what exactly I wanted to do: I was torn between political science, sociology, and psychology. In the end, I chose the Politics of Global Challenges programme because it is a multidisciplinary field that combines many of my interests. I also liked the fact that it’s in English, as I’ve been involved in Erasmus+ projects and I know how useful it is to work with people from other countries: it’s not only about broadening your horizons, but also about making international contacts, which is a very important aspect of politics. So far, I certainly don’t regret my decision and I hope that my experience at the university will only get better every day.
How has it been to integrate into the IIRPS VU community? What has helped you the most?
At first I was afraid that the institute would be very strict and that the lecturers would be very strict, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this is not the case – in fact, the institute has a modern approach to students and science. And the efforts of the mentors and the events and meetings organised by the university for us first-year students have been very helpful in helping me to integrate into the community. It is very rewarding to be part of the IIRPS community, where tolerance, openness to innovation and a friendly atmosphere are highly valued.
You won the “Auksinis protas” game, how did you do? How did you discover this activity?
I actually consider my victory as a simple success – the questions that came in were very favourable. I’ve been watching “Auksinis protas” since the very first season, when I was still in the fourth grade. I loved reading encyclopaedias and reference books as a child, I was a really inquisitive child. Although I got into the show by accident (I was lucky enough to answer all the questions in the “Prototo” game), I think my childhood desire to be a part of this show was the reason I kept going.
What do you do in your free time after studies?
Most of my free time is devoted to music, and a smaller part to work. I am a member of the VU Academic Mixed Choir “Gaudeamus”, and if I have time, I play the violin and the piano and sing. Of course, I listen to a lot of music, because I can’t imagine my life without it.
What would you like to wish the IIRPS VU community?
Since we are serious people studying a very serious subject – politics, I wish to keep in mind our fun and creative side. Remember, we are human beings, we need freedom and self-expression at every turn, even in politics and international relations. Don’t be afraid to try new activities and experience different points of view, as this develops us as future politicians and, above all, as individuals.