
Dr. Ainė Ramonaitė

Professor, Research professor

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Ainė Ramonaitė is a Professor at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University. She is the head of the Department of Political Behaviour and Institutions and the leader of the (Post)Soviet Memory Studies Center.

She obtained her PhD in political science from Vilnius University in 2005. She has published a number of books and edited volumes on informal networks in soviet Lithuania, the Sąjūdis movement, the development of the Lithuanian party system and the Lithuanian voter. Since 2012, she leads the Lithuanian National Election Study.

Membership of working groups, councils, etc. within Vilnius University and IIRPS VU

IIRPS VU Council; (Post)Soviet Memory Studies Center; Department of Political Behavior and Institutions; Doctoral Studies Committee; Political Science Bachelor Studies Programme Committee; Studies of Contemporary Politics (MA) Programme Committee.

Membership of international organisations, editorial boards, international working groups, etc. 

CSES (Comparative Studies of Electoral Systems) member, CNES (Consortium of National Election Studies) member, and AABS (The Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies) member.

Research projects and grants

  1. Support for Democratic Institutions and the Polarisation of Society: An Analysis of Interactions Project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (2023-2026)
  2. Postcommunist Transformation as Dismantling of the Soviet Modernity Project. (Participant). Project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (2021-2022).
  3. Lithuanian National Election Study 2020. (Principal Investigator). Project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (2019 – 2021).
  4. Potential and Preconditions of Civil Resistance in Lithuania. (Principal Investigator). Project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (2016 – 2017).
  5. Lithuanian National Election Study 2016. (Principal Investigator). Project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (2016 – 2018).
  6. Invisible Society of Soviet-era Lithuania: the Revision of Distinction between Soviet and non-Soviet Informal Networks (Principal investigator). Research funded by the European Social Fund under the Global Grant measure (2012 – 2015).
  7. Lithuanian National Election Study (Principal investigator). Project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (2012 – 2014).
  8. The Phenomenon of Sąjūdis: Network Analysis of the Civil Social Movement (Principal investigator). Project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, (2009 – 2011).
  9. Democracy in Knowledge Society: The Analysis of Challenges and Possibilities (Principal investigator). Project funded by the Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation, (2007-2009).

Conference papers

  1. Ramonaitė, A. „Willingness to defend one’s country against an autocracy: support for defense versus personal commitment to fight“. Paper presented at the 16th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations (PEC), Potsdam, 5-9 September 2023.
  2. Ramonaitė, A., Petronytė, I. „From Apathy to Political Engagement? Youth Political Activism in Lithuania. Paper presented at the APSA Annual Meeting, August 31- September 3, Los Angeles, USA.
  3. Ramonaitė, A. „Kolūkius sugriovė Pasaulio bankas? Antibendruomeninių išteklių tragedija ir jos apraiškos posovietinėje Lietuvoje“. Presentation delivered at the Lithuanian Social Science Forum, Molėtai Observatory, 19-21 May 2023.
  4. Vijeikis, P., Ramonaitė, A. „Socioekonominė restruktūrizacija po 1990-ųjų Lietuvoje gyventojų akimis“. Paper presented at the Annual Lithuanian Political Science Conference, Vilnius, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University, 8-9 December 2022.
  5. Ramonaitė, A. Morkevičius, V. Žiliukaitė, R. Maslauskaitė, A. „Lietuvos ilgalaikis socialinis tyrimas (LIST) – vizija ir įgyvendinimo perspektyvos“. Paper presented at the 14th Conference of the Lithuanian Sociological Society, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology, 2 December 2022.
  6. Ramonaitė, A. The Role of Socialist Nostalgia in Explaining Political Attitudes of Eastern Europeans. Paper presented at the 28th International Conference of Europeanists „The Environment of Democracy“, 29 June – 1 July, Lisbon, Portugal.
  7. Ramonaitė, A. „Posovietinės deindustrializacijos trauma Lietuvoje ir jos pasekmės dabarčiai“. Paper presented at the conference “Reflections of the Soviet Era in Contemporary Lithuania from an Interdisciplinary Perspective”, 2 June 2022, ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius.
  8. Ramonaitė, A., Vijeikis, P. „Transformacija kaip modernybės projekto pabaiga?“. Paper presented at the Lithuanian Social Science Forum 2022, 21-22 May 2022, Molėtai Observatory.
  9. Ramonaitė A., „Valia ginti šalį: kaip ją išmatuoti ir nuo ko ji priklauso? Paper presented at the conference “Unarmed Resistance: assumptions, experiences, retrospective commemorating the Jubilee Year of Romas Kalanta’s Sacrifice (1972-2022)”, 13 May 2022, Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library, Vilnius.
  10. Ramonaitė, A. „Nuo pokomunistinės transformacijos traumos iki COVID-19 sąmokslo teorijų? Lietuvos gyventojų tikėjimo sąmokslo teorijomis veiksnių analizė“. Paper presented at the 13th Conference of the Lithuanian Sociological Society “Society, Regions, Transformations: do we have scenarios for the future?”, January 14, 2022, by distance.

Courses taught

Basics of Political Science

State and Civil Society

Anthropology of Soviet and post-Soviet Societies

Research interests

Civil society

Political participation

Studies of political parties

Political behavior

Political culture

Electoral behavior

Studies in post-Soviet societies

Social movements


Ramonaitė A., Vijeikis P. (2023). Komunizmo subyrėjimas kaip modernybės projekto pabaiga? Lietuvos gyventojų posovietinės transformacijos naratyvai. Politologija, 1(109), 26-71. https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2022.109.2

Ramonaitė, A. „Does communist nostalgia lead to COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs?” European Societies, 2023, 25(3): 489-508, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2022.2132525

Popa, S. et al. [Ramonaitė, A.] „Party System Stability“, In Schmitt, H., Segati, P. and C. Vand der Eijk (eds.) Consequences of Context: How the Social, Political and Economic Environment Affetcs Voting. London, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers/ ECPR Press, 2021, pp. 151-168.

Ramonaitė, A. ir Vaiginytė, A. Tendencingumo paieškos politikų valdomoje žiniasklaidoje: Lietuvos regioninės spaudos analizė taikant kompiuterinės turinio analizės metodus. Politologija, 2021, 100 (4), 34-68. https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2020.100.2

Ramonaitė, A. Mapping the political space in Lithuania: the discrepancy between party elites and party supporters. Journal of Baltic Studies, 2020, 51(4): 477 – 496. https://doi.org/10.1080/01629778.2020.1792521

Ramonaitė, A. Apklausėjo įtaka apklausų rezultatams Lietuvoje: trijų apklausų analizė. Filosofija, Sociologija, 2020, 31(4): 365 – 377.

Ramonaitė, A. Kavaliauskaitė, J. “Qui a conduit la «Révolution chantante» à travers la Lituanie? Une typologie des pionniers du mouvement du Sąjūdis”. Revue Ethnologie française, 2018, 2, 309 – 322. https://doi.org/10.3917/ethn.182.0305

Ramonaitė, A. Valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos sėkmės paslaptis: vertybinė neša ar “viltingasis rinkėjas”? In Jastramskis M. (ed.) Ar galime prognozuoti Seimo rinkimus? Trijų kūnų problema Lietuvos politikoje. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2018, p. 153 – 176.

Ramonaitė, A. Socialinė rinkėjų tapatybė ir partijų pasirinkimas: ar yra vietos skirčių politikai Lietuvoje? In Jastramskis M. (ed.) Ar galime prognozuoti Seimo rinkimus? Trijų kūnų problema Lietuvos politikoje. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2018, p. 71 – 96.

Ramonaitė, A. “Analyzing Electoral Behavior Using PTV’s: Benefits and Methodological Issues.” World Political Science 14.1, 2018: 81-99. https://doi.org/10.1515/wps-2018-0004

Ramonaitė, A. Party regulation against the backdrop of anti-party sentiment: The case of Lithuania. In Fernando Casal Bertoa and Ingrid van Biezen (eds.). The Regulation of Post-Communist Party Politics. Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 217 – 235.

Ramonaitė, Ainė, Petronytė – Urbonavičienė, Ieva, Skirkevičius. Paulius, Vosylius, Eugenijus. Kas eitų ginti Lietuvos? Pilietinio pasipriešinimo prielaidos ir galimybės. [Who would defend Lithuania? Preconditions for Civilian –based Defense] Vilnius: Aukso žuvys, 2018, 199 p.

Ramonaitė, A. “Polinkis balsuoti už partiją kaip naujas elgesio per rinkimus analizės būdas: galimybės ir metodologinės problemos.” Politologija, 2017, 2 (86): 44 – 83. https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2017.2.10743

Jastramskis, M., & Ramonaitė, A. “Lithuania.” European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 2017, 56(1), 176-184.

Maier, J., et al. [A. Ramonaitė] “This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens and its consequence for EU democracy–evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries.“ Journal of European Public Policy (2017): 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2016.1268643

Ramonaitė, Ainė (ed.), Nematoma sovietmečio visuomenė. [Invisible Society in Soviet-era] Vilnius: Naujasis židinys – Aidai, 2015, 388 p.