Dr. Alvydas Jokubaitis
Research areas
Political Theory
Additional info
He has been working at the Institute since 1996, holds the rank of Professor. Member of the Senate and Science Committee of Vilnius University. Member of the Editorial Board of “Politologija”. Member of the VU IIRPS Coucil. In 2002 and 2017 elected the best lecturer at the IIRPS.
Membership of working groups, councils, etc. within Vilnius University and IIRPS VU
IIRPS VU Council; Department of Political Philosophu and History of Ideas; Doctoral Studies Committee; Studies of Contemporary Politics (MA) Programme Committee.
Research projects and grants
Students’ research. The concept of monadic identity in the philosophy of G. W. Leibniz;
Anthology of Lithuanian political thought;
Democracy in a knowledge society: an analysis of challenges and opportunities;
Preserving national identity in a globalised world: updating the doctoral curricula in the social humanities and developing a model for postgraduate studies;
Conference papers
- Postmodernism and conservatism. Postmodernism and its place in philosophy. Scholarly
conference theses. 16 May 1997. Vilnius University Press, 1997. P. 7 – 8. - On the relationship between morality and politics. // After the Subject: Trends in Contemporary Philosophy.
Proceedings of the Scientific Conference. Vilnius University Press, 2000. P. 17 – 18. - Proceedings of the scientific conference. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, 2001. P.
8 – 10. - Problems of return to virtue ethics. Po(ethics): How can modern ethics be? Scientific
Conference proceedings. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, 2001. P. 8 – 10. - The Enlightenment and Romanticism’s Struggle over Politics. // 200 years after Kant: Scientific Conferences
Conference proceedings. Kaunas: Technologija, 2004. P. 24 – 26.
National and international awards
Science prizes:
2005 Vilnius University Rector’s Science Prize
2017 Best VU Publication of the Year 2016
Honorary titles:
2015 Honorary Citizen of Gargždai;
National and other awards:
2005 Vilnius University Rector’s Science Prize
2017 Best VU Publication of the Year 2016
2018 Stasys Šalkauskis Prize
Courses taught
Non-orthodox political thought
Contemporary concept of politics
Master's Colloquium
Contemporary Political Theories
Lithuanian policy research
Research interests
Political philosophy
Immanuelio Kanto iššūkis politikos mokslui, Politologija, 2021, Nr.4, p. 8 – 31.
„Nepastebėtas Karolio Wojtyłos įnašas į politinę filosofiją“, Šventojo Jono Pauliaus II žinia Bažnyčiai, pasauliui ir Lietuvai, Vilniaus šv. Juozapo kunigų seminarija, 2021, p. 77 – 90.
Leo Strauss‘s „An Epilogue“: Political Science as Political Philosophy, Teoria Polityki, 2021, No. 5, p. 193 – 203.
Politinė Stasio Šalkauskio kultūros filosofijos prasmė, Politologija, 2020, Nr. 4, p. 8 – 33.
Romualdas Ozolas kaip kultūros filosofas, R. Ozolas, Rinktiniai raštai, t.2, Vilnius, 2020, p. 13 – 20.
Moralumo iššūkis Carlo Schmitto politiškumo sampratai, Problemos, 2020, Nr. 98, p. 125 – 136.