Aušrinė Diržinskaitė-Kazlauskienė
PhD candidate
Research areas
Comparative Politics and Political Sociology
Political Economy
Public Administration
Additional info
Aušrinė obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science (2017) and a Master’s degree in Public Policy Analysis (2022) at the Vilnius University Institute of International Relations and Political Sciences.
As a PhD student, she is preparing a dissertation on the topic “Will Taxes Save the Planet?” Rationality, Framing and Behavior in Solving Climate Change Problems” (supervisoe associate professor dr. Vytautas Kuokštis)
Aušrinė is the coordinator of the political watchdogging network “Žinau, ką renku”, which organizes pre-election debates and monitors the activities of elected politicians.
Research interests
Behavioural public policy
Climate and taxation policy
Political representation and pledge fulfillment
Diržinskaitė, A. (2021), „Skills and regional differences in Lithuania: a multi-speed polarisation“, student research report to Research Council of Lithuania.
Diržinskaitė, A. (2018), „Apolytical generation: reasons for youth disinterest in politics in Lithuania”, Politologija, 4, 92, p.p. 3-28, DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2018.92.1