Dr. Deividas Šlekys
Associate professor
Research areas
Comparative Politics and Political Sociology
Political Theory
International relations
Additional info
Dr. Deividas Šlekys is an associate professor at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science (Vilnius University), where he is teaching courses on war studies. He holds MLitt. in War Studies, Glasgow University and PhD in Political sciences, Vilnius University. He was a Visiting research fellow at Changing Character of War Centre, Oxford University (2013-2014) and a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Harvard University Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies (January – June 2020).
In 2015, he published a book “Lithuanian military thought and its evolution since 1990”. Researcher is also involved and works closely with Lithuanian MoD and Armed Forces on projects related to professional military education, doctrinal development. He is also known as one of the major public commentators on the defence issues in Lithuania.
Research projects and grants
“The Lithuanian perception of war during the interwar period (1918–1940)”, project manager (Vilnius university). Funding – Lithuania Research Council, 2016-18.
“Implementation of military-strategic tasks in the tactical units of Lithuania armed forces”, within the framework of the project “The Promotion of Students’ Research Activities “, project manager (Vilnius university). Funding – Lithuanian Research Council, 2017-18.
“Military Thought and its Evolution in Lithuania since 1990”, postdoctoral research at Lithuanian Military Academy. Funding – Lithuanian Research Council, 2013-15.
“Development of civil – military relationships in Lithuania (1990 – 2010)“, project manager (Vilnius University). Funding – Lithuanian Research Council, 2012-13.
Selected conference papers
- 2020, September 3-5. Scientific conference “Karas ir moterys”, Nida, Klaipėda university, paper “Amazoniškos karo studijos”.
- 2019, November 8-10. The Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society Conference 2019, Washington, paper “Dangerous liaison: the idea of citizen-soldier and contentious civil-military relations in Lithuania”.
- 2019, June 26-28. Changing Character of War Centre, Oxford University conference “The Conduct of War: Past, Present and Future”, paper “Lithuanian Way of Defence: Challenging Merger of Blitzkrieg and Alamo”.
- 2019, May 9-12. Society for Military History Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, paper “From peasants to warriors: Lithuanian intellectual reflections as a war coping mechanism “.
- 2018, August 22-25. European Consortium for Political Research 2018 General conference, Hamburg, paper “Defence Politics and Reshaping of the Lithuanian Semi-Presidential Regime” (more information here).
Courses taught
Sociology of War
State theories
Military Studies
History and Theory of Diplomacy
Introduction to Security Studies
History of International Relations
Research interests
Historical sociology
War studies
History of International Relations
Šlekys D. et al. (2020), “Baltics Left of Bang: Comprehensive Defense in the Baltic States”, Strategic Forum, Is. 307. National Defence University. https://inss.ndu.edu/Media/News/Article/2393851/baltics-left-of-bang-comprehensive-defense-in-the-baltic-states/
Šlekys D. (2020) “Lithuanian Military Transformation and Changing Efficiency of Defence”. In Giedrius Česnakas, Nortautas Statkus (eds.), Lithuania in the Global Context: National Security and Defence Policy Dilemmas, The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, 303-319. https://vb.lka.lt/object/elaba:68867305/index.html
Šlekys D. (2017) „Lithuania’s Balancing Act“, Journal on Baltic Security, 3(2), 43–54. https://doi.org/10.1515/jobs-2017-0008
Šlekys D. (2015) Mąslaus Vyčio beieškant. Lietuviškos karinės minties raida ir būklė po Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo (1990-2014). Lietuvos karo akademija, Vilnius. http://www.tb.lt/Leidiniai/Moksliniai/2015-Maslaus%20vycio%20beieskant_Slekys.pdf
Šlekys D. (2015), “Searching for reflective armed forces: A Lithuanian Civil-Military Relations Perspective”, Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review 2014-15, 215-244. https://doi.org/10.1515/lasr-2015-0011
Šlekys D. (2015), „Dvi karo sampratos. Pastabos civilizacijos ir istorijos rašymo klausimais“. Naujasis Židinys – Aidai, Nr. 4, 22-28. https://www.bernardinai.lt/2015-07-14-dvi-karo-sampratos-pastabos-civilizacijos-ir-istorijos-rasymo-klausimais/