Dr. Justinas Dementavičius
Associate professor, Senior researcher
The (Post)Soviet Memory Studies Center
Department of Political Behavior and Institutions
Department of Political Philosophy and History of Ideas
Research groups
Research group on Belarus
Research areas
Political Theory
Comparative Politics and Political Sociology
Additional info
I am growing up academically in the environment of IIRPS VU since 2000. Only for a brief period, in 2012-2014, after defending my doctoral thesis on the concept of state in Lithuania, I did postdoctoral studies at the Lithuanian Institute of History. This further enabled me to try to integrate political science, philosophical and historical perspectives in my researches. These attempts are reflected in the book “Between homo oeconomicus and zoon politicon: History of Modern Lithuania Political Thought” and in the current studies dedicated to reflections of the different forms of political imagination in Lithuania.
In addition to these investigative interests, I am an editor of the IIRPS VU journal “Politologija” and I try to participate in various projects dedicated to civic and political education. For example, I had the joy of being one of the curators of the Valstybės pažinimo centras, also participated as a co-curator of several exhibitions dedicated to Lithuanian intellectual history.
However, despite the willingness to keep studying, teaching occupies the most of my academic time. But I am trying to do my best to create the Institute as a scientific community to which every student can contribute.
Membership of working groups, councils, etc. within Vilnius University and IIRPS VU
IIRPS VU Council; (Post)Soviet Memory Studies Center; Department of Political Behavior and Institutions; Department of Political Philosophu and History of Ideas; Commission for Dispute Resolution; Political Science Bachelor Studies Programme Committee; Editor-in-Chief of the journal Politologija.
Membership of international organisations, editorial boards, international working groups, etc.
Editor-in-Chief of the journal Politologija.
Selected conference papers
- Dementavičius, Justinas “Tradicijos palikimas: Lietuvos valstybė ir romantinis konservatizmas” [The Heritage of the Tradition: Lithuanian State and Romanticist Conservatism], Annual Conference of Lithuanian Political Scientists, Vilnius, 24 11 2017;
- Dementavičius, Justinas “Alternatives in a Making: Concept of Freedom in Lithuanian Catholic Samizdat (1972-1989)”, 18th Annual Aleksanteri Conference: Liberation-Freedom-Democracy-1918-1968-2018, Helsinki, 24-26 10 2018 (abstract);
- Dementavičius, Justinas “Integral Democracy as Principle and Tool of Critique”, Civitas Annual Conference. Christian Democracy in Exile 1925-1989, Bonn, 21-23 11 2018;
- Dementavičius, Justinas “Apie tankų konservatizmą: A. Jokubaitis kaip lietuviškojo konservatizmo apologetas” [On Dense Conservatism: A. Jokubaitis as an Apologist of Lithuanian Conservatism], Conference on Political Philosophy of Alvydas Jokubaitis, Vilnius, 27 09 2019;
- Dementavičius, Justinas “Intelektualinės kirmgraužos. Fribūro universiteto patyrimai atkuriamoje Lietuvoje”, conference on the opening of the exhibition “Dvasiniai Fribūro vaikai. Fribūro universiteto Lietuviai ir jų reikšmė Lietuvai”, Vilnius, 27 09 2019.
Courses taught
History of Lithuanian Political Thought
Political Ideas and Ideologies
Bachelor's Colloquium
Research interests
History of Ideas
Ideology Studies
Lithuanian Political History
Justinas Dementavičius, " Cultural versus Political Christian Democrats: Debating the Idea of (Christian) Democracy in Lithuanian Exile", Political Exile in the Global Twentieth Century. Catholic Christian Democrats in Europe and the Americas (edited by Wolfram Kaiser and Piotr H. Kosicki), Leuven:Leuven University press, 2021, p. 223-252
Between “Homo Oeconomicus” and “Zoon Politicon”: History of Modern Lithuanian Political Thought, Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2015.
„Trys politiškumo istorijos programos: ne galios požiūris į politikos ir istorijos santykį“ // Politologija, 2010, 1 (57), 40-75. https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2010.1.8319
„Lithuanian Political Thought in the Twentieth Century and its Reflections in Sąjūdis: What Kind of State Have Lithuanians Been Fighting For?“// Contributions to the History of Concepts, 2011/1(6), Berghahn Journals, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. https://doi.org/10.3167/choc.2011.060105
„Sąjūdžio tapatybės beieškant: sovietinės reflektyviosios modernybės bruožai Lietuvoje“ // Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas, 2011/2(29), 218-243. https://doi.org/10.15388
„Lituania Restituta: paminklo supolitinimo ir nupolitinimo aspektai posovietinėje Lietuvoje“ // Istorija kaip politinio mąstymo veiksnys (History as an agent of political thinking), Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2012, 350-380.