Dr. Marius Kalanta
Research assistant
Research groups
Research group in political economy
Research areas
Comparative political economy
Additional info
+370 616 46 369
The main field of researchers’ interest – relation between socio-economic institutions (e. g. work relations, social dialogue, business management, financial system, competitiveness, education, and welfare state) and their impact on economic variables (economic transition, competitiveness, specialization, revenues distribution, etc.).
Research projects and grants
Political factors of the middle-income trap in the Baltic States (TRAPPOLI)
Membership of international organisations, editorial boards, international working groups, etc.
Member of “Society for the Advancement of Sosio-Economics” (SASE)
Conference papers
SASE 34th Annual Conference (2022 m., Amsterdam, Netherlands), „One Adjustment Strategy, Two Growth Strategies: Growth Model Change in Estonia and Lithuania“.
SASE 33th Annual Conference (2021 m., online), „The middle-income trap and politics of economic growth in the Baltic States“.
SASE 32th Annual Conference (2020 m., online), „Short-term growth regime change: the case of institutional complementarity in the Baltic States“.
SASE 31th Annual Conference (2019 m., New York, USA), „Export-Led Growth Regimes without Wage Coordination: The Case of the Baltics“.
17th International Conference in Memory of Professor Marco Biagi (2019 m., Modena, Italy), „Explaining failures of social dialogue in Eastern Europe: The case of the Baltics in a comparative political economy perspective“.
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (2018 m., Louvain, Belgium), „Failure of social dialogue in Eastern Europe: the case of Lithuania in a comparative political economy perspective“.
Research interests
Political economy
Socio-economic institutions
Varieties of capitalism
Kalanta, Marius. 2021. “Explaining Failures of Social Dialogue Building in Eastern Europe”. In: Addabbo T, Ales E, Curzi Y, et al. (eds) The Collective Dimensions of Employment Relations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Workers’ Voices and Changing Workplace Patterns. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kalanta, Marius, 2021. Special Corporate Income Tax Rate for Micro-Enterprises in Lithuania: Productive or Unproductive Incentive? Enterprise Lithuania, Vilnius
Kalanta, Marius. 2019. "The weakness of social dialogue in the Baltic countries: An employer-centric political economy perspective“, European Journal of Industrial Relations.
Kalanta, Marius. 2014. „Darbo santykių institucijų kaita Lietuvoje institucinių veikėjų požiūriu“. Kultūra ir visuomenė, 5 (1), 125–147.
Kalanta, Marius. 2012. „Kapitalizmo įvairovės prieiga: diskurso vaidmuo aiškinant koordinavimo procesą“. Kultūra ir visuomenė, 3 (2), 29–50.