Dr. Florian Rabitz
Research areas
International Relations
Additional info
I am a political scientist working on international institutions and global environmental politics. My work primarily deals with the role of new and emerging technologies in sustainability governance, and with the management of transnational resource systems. I hold a PhD in political science from the Free University of Brussels.
Membership of international organisations, editorial boards, international working groups, etc.
-Senior research fellow at Earth System Governance project
-Member of Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Conference papers
-“Transnationalization, Geopolitics and New Space: A Social Network Analysis of the Global Satellite Industry”. European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, 4-8 September 2023.
-“International Cooperation on New and Emerging Technologies”. Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance, 20-24 October 2022.
Research interests
Global environmental politics
International institutions
New and emerging technologies
Rabitz, F. (2023). “Space Resources and the Politics of International Regime Formation”, International Journal of the Commons 17(1): 243-255.
Rabitz, F. (2023). “Transformative Novel Technologies and Global Environmental Governance”, Cambridge University Press.
Butkeviciene, E., and Rabitz, F. (2022) “Sharing the Benefits of Asteroid Mining”, Global Policy 13(2): 247-258.
Rabitz, F. (2022). ”The International Governance of Gene Drive Organisms”, Environmental Politics 31(6): 949-968.
Rabitz, F., Olteanu, A., Jurkeviciene, J., and Budzyte, A. (2021). ”A Topic Network Analysis of the System Turn in the Environmental Sciences”, Scientometrics 126(3): 2107-2140.
Fraundorfer, M., and Rabitz, F. (2020). “The Brazilian Renewable Energy Policy Framework: Instrument Design and Coherence”, Climate Policy 20(5): 65-660.