Dr. Ieva Giedraitytė
Research groups
Feminist policy and critical theory research group
Research areas
European Studies
International Relations
Additional info
Ieva Giedraitytė, MA in Latin American Studies (Barcelona University, 2010) and PhD in Political Science (Vilnius University, 2021) has eight years of experience in research and teaching. Her research insterests are EU external action, Latin American studies (focus on Central America), and development cooperation.
Ieva spent several years working as a trainee for different EU development cooperation bodies (DG DEVCO and in the EU Delegation in Honduras).
Ieva is also a member of the European Studies master programme study committee and participates in the ARQUS network, working on a joint European Studies master programme.
Selected Publications
- Presentation “El impacto de la pandemia sobre el cambio del régimen político: caso de Honduras”, VI Conferencia Cracoviana de Latinoamericanistas “Progreso en América Latina (en una realidad post-COVID)”, online, 2022.
- Presentation “Se imaginan, orden y desorden en su vecindario sur, la UE y EEUU”, workshop “Las Rutas de Desarrollo”, Universidad de la Salle Bajio, Mexico, 2021.
- Presentation “El Triángulo Norte: ¿democracia decadente o la democracia que nunca fue?”, workshop “Desconsolidación de Democracia en America Latina”, Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagelonian University, Krakow, Poland, 2021.
- Presentation “Good Neighbor and Bad Neighbor? Differentiation in the EU and US Southern Neighborhood Strategies 2014-2017”, Winter Training School – Images of Europe at Times of Global Challenges, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 2019.
- Presentation “From the migration crisis to the migration crisis: five years of the US Strategy for Engagement in Central America”, International seminars on Latin America, Lublin, Poland, 2019.
- Presentation “Good Neighbor-Bad Neighbor? US and EU´s Regional Strategies after the Migration Crisis” European Workships in International Studies, Krakow, Poland, 2019.
- Presentation “Good Neighbor Bad Neighbor? Comparison of the US and the EU Southern Neighborhood strategies” European Union Studies Association Biannual Conference, Denver, USA, 2019.
- Presentation “From the migration crisis to the migration crisis: five years of the US Strategy for Engagement in Central America”, Latin American Studies Conference, Lublin, Poland, 2018.
Courses taught
Security and Sustainable Development
Latin American Studies
EU External Relations
Rising Regions of the World
Contemporary EU Challenges
Research interests
Latin American Studies
EU External Action
Giedraitytė, I. (2022) “EU and US Narratives of Order and Disorder in Their Southern Neighbourhoods After the Migration Crises”, European Foreign Affairs Review 27, no. 1, pp. 61–80. https://kluwerlawonline.com/journalarticle/European+Foreign+Affairs+Review/27.1/EERR2022005
Giedraitytė, I. (2021) “ES kaip vystomojo bendradarbiavimo donorė – viena ar viena iš 28?” in Vitkus, G. (ed.) Lietuvos narystė Europos Sąjungoje: patirtys, tendencijos ir refleksijos, Vilnius: Vilniaus Universiteto leidykla.
Giedraityte, I. (2019) “Empire, Leadership or Hegemony: US Strategies towards the Northern Triangle Countries in the 21st Century”, Anuario Latinoamericano Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales, vol. 7, pp. 175–192. https://doi.org/10.17951/al.2019.7.175-192
Andrius Tursa, Ieva Giedraitytė, Elma Paulauskaitė, Marius Pranskūnas (2019). ‘Study on employment models within the social economy and their role in including persons with disabilities into the labour market and society’. European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR) and European Assocation of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD). https://www.easpd.eu/sites/default/files/sites/default/files/final_report_employment_models_in_social_economy_compressed.pdf
Giedraityte, I. (2018) “Mars and Venus in Action? The US and EU’s foreign relations strategies in academic discourse”, Baltic Journal of Political Science, 0(7-8), pp. 27-44. https://doi.org/10.15388/BJPS.2018.7-8.2
Aparicio et all (2013) Situación de los derechos humanos en Guatemala 2011-2012. Conflictos agrarios, energéticos y extractivos Departamentos de Alta Verapaz, El Quiché y San Marcos, L’Associació Educació per a l’Acció Critica”.