Dr. Ieva Grumbinaitė
Research areas
European Studies
International Relations
Public Administration
Additional info
Dr Ieva Grumbinaitė defended her PhD dissertation on the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU at the European University Institute in 2020. She completed an MSc in Public Administration at Leiden University. Ieva lectured at the University of Vienna and Lorenzo dei Medici Institute in Florene, completed a traineeship at the European Parliament and contributed to several research projects at the EUI, Leiden University, and Free University in Berlin. Since 2019 she works as a public policy analyst providing recommendations to the European Commission.
Ieva‘s academic interests include European integration, EU institutions and decision-making processes, EU higher education policy.
Conference papers and worshops
- 2021. Workshop: Small States in EU Policy-Making: Strategies, Challenges, Opportunities, University of Luxembourg, 17-18.6; Paper presentation: “Bringing the European Union closer to the Member States? The impact of the rotating EU Council presidency on the administrations of small states”
- 2019. ECPR General Conference, 4-7.9 Wroclaw; Paper presentation: “Obligation or Socialisation? Attendance to Ministerial Meetings of the Council of the EU and the Rotating Presidency”
- 2019. European Union Studies Working Group, European University Institute, 20.02. Florence; Paper presentation: “Obligation or Socialization? Attendance to Ministerial Meetings
of the Council of the EU and the Rotating Presidency” - 2018. Understanding the EU´s Foreign, Security and Defence Policy Workshop, European University Institute, 21-22.5 Florence; Paper presentation: “If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It? The Limited Benefits of the Trio Presidency of the Council of the EU”
- 2018. EPSA Annual Conference, 21-23.6 Vienna; Paper presentation: “The limited benefits of the Trio Presidency of the Council of the EU”
- 2018. ECPR General Conference, 22-25.8 Hamburg; Paper presentation: “Not much beyond the common programme? The limited benefits of the Trio Presidency of the Council of the EU”
- 2016. ECPR General Conference, 7-10.9 Prague; ECPR Graduate Student Conference, 10-13.07 Tartu; Paper presentations: “The Impact of the European Union Council Presidency on Public Opinion in the Member States: Improving the Knowledge of the EU?
Research interests
European integration
EU institutions and decision making
Council of the EU
Grumbinaitė, I (forthcoming, 2023): A Deep but Fleeting Impact?: The rotating European Union Council Presidency and small Member States. Book contract with Routledge signed.
for DG REGIO (2021): Study on peer learning tools for the administrative capacity building of Member State bodies involved in the management of funds from the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund, https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/95938723-6440-11eb-aeb5- 01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-219814274
for DG EAC (2020): Study on removing obstacles to cross-border solidarity activities, https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/1a7042cb-e678-11ea-ad25- 01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-219813855
2018.06.18: Trio Presidency of the Council of the EU: Does it make a difference for the member states. Blog post, Dahrendorf Forum, http://www.dahrendorf-forum.eu/trio-presidency-of-the-council-ofthe-eu/