Dr. Laurynas Jonavičius
Associate professor, Researcher, Lecturer
Department of International Relations
Research groups
Research group on Belarus
Research areas
International relations
Additional info
Has completed bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in political science and international relations and diplomacy at VU IIRPS.
Since 2005 studied doctoral studies at VU IIRPS; defended his doctoral thesis in February 2010.
He worked as an advisor to the President of the Republic of Lithuania in the foreign policy group. Has been teaching at the Institute since 2005.
Courses taught
Russian and CIS Studies
International politics
Russian Politics and Economy in the Postmodern World
Master's Colloquium
International Politics (BUS)
Belarusian and Ukrainian Studies
Research interests
Integration and disintegration processes in post-Soviet space
Constructivist analysis of international relations
Vilpišauskas, R.; Jakniūnaitė, D.; Jaroszewicz, M.; Jonavičius, L. - Susceptibility of Ukrainian and Belarussian domestic actors to external actors’ approaches: puzzling patterns of transition, East European politics https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21599165.2020.1745190 – 2020
Delcour. L., Dragneva, R., Jonavičius, L. and Wolczuk, K. - Russian Interests, Strategies, and Instruments in the Common Neighbourhood EU-STRAT-Working-Paper-No.-16.pdf – 2019
Frear, M., Jonavičius, L., Maniokas, K. and Tabarta. I. - Report on Complementary and Alternative Modes of Engagement with the Eastern Partnership Countries https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/63770/EU-STRAT-Report-No5.pdf?sequence=1 – 2018
Dimitrova, A., Jonavičius L., Langbein, J., Maniokas, K., Mazepus, H., Munteanu, I., Shea, E. and Vilpišauskas, R. - Scenario analysis of EU engagement promoting opening or closure in the Eastern Partnership countries https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/documents/downloadPublic? documentIds=080166e5c04186bf&appId=PPGMS – 2018
Dragneva, R.; Delcour, L.; Jonavičius, L. - Assessing legal and political compatibility between the European Union engagement strategies and membership of the Eurasian Economic Union http://eu-strat.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/EU-STRAT-Working-Paper-No.7.pdf – 2017
Jakniūnaitė, D.; Jonavičius, L.; Lehmkuhl, D.; Šešelgytė, M.; Vilpišauskas, R. - Working paper introducing the analytical framework for comparing approaches and strategies of the selected external actors https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/documents/downloadPublic? documentIds=080166e5b10571b1&appId=PPGMS – 2017