Dr. Natalija Arlauskaitė
Professor, Research professor
Department of International Relations
Additional info
Has been working at the Institute since 2010. Academic interests are interdisciplinary combining film and visual theories; critical theory and gender studies; research on the politics of historical memory and Soviet visuality; Russian Studies and Propaganda Analysis. Internship and research in New York, Constanta, Oxford, Krakow Jailsters, Tbilisi State Universities, At the Institute for the Study of Humanities at the University of Edinburgh, The Russian Museum (St. Petersburg).
Lecturer’s personal page.
Conference papers
- 2021, December 14-18: “Visible Evidence XVII: Documentary and Democracy”, Frankfurt am Main. Paper: “How to Look at Ice: Transmedial Iconography of the Leningrad Siege”.
- 2021, December 1-3: Symposium: “1991-2021: Thirty Years After – Forgetting and Unforgetting Victory and Defeat”, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies, Södertörn University. Roundtable: “Art, Narratives and Strategies of Memorialization of Political Violence”.
- 2020, November 16: ASEEES Convention. Paper: „Adaptation as the Best Worst Film: Adapting Russian Classics for Giallo and Soft Porn“.
- 2020, June 5: “Leningrad Siege Memory in Film: Cultural Trauma, Narratives, and Visual Regimes (1941-2019)”, European University, St.-Petersburg. Paper: “Transmedial Iconography of the Siege”.
- 2019, September 25-26: “Making Justice Visible: The Mediatization of the World War II War Crimes Trials”, German Historical Institute, Klaipeda University, Lithuanian National Library. Paper: “Film Trials of 1960s: Training the Audience Through Visual Protocols of Justice”.
- 2019, September 18: “V Baltic Sea Region Film History Conference. Co-operation and Cocreativity in/between Cinemas of the Baltic Sea Region”. Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy, Meno avilys. Paper: “Animating WWII: Tales of the Third Generation”.
- 2018, April 27-29: “Media Tactics and Engagement”, NECS’2018, Amsterdam University, Free University of Amsterdam. Paper: “The Still Is Not Enough: Re-Mediation of Photographic Archives in Post-Soviet Lithuanian Documentary”
- 2018, April 1-3: AABS (Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies) konferencija, Stanford University. Paper: “Patchworked Soviet Body: Media Campaign for Rasa Prasceviciute Reattachment Surgery, 1983–1984”.
- 2018, May 22-24: “Docusophia: Documentary/Philosophy International Conference”, The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University. Paper: “Narrating Refugees, Excavating Media: Politics of Visual Ruptures in Flotel Europa (Vladimir Tomić, 2015) and Havarie (Philip Scheffner, 2016)”.
- 2018, May 16-18: “After (Post)Photography”, European University, St.-Petersburg. Paper: “Index in Thickness: Animated Photographic Image in Documentary Film”.
- 2017 May 11-14: „War Frenzy: Exploring the Violence of Propaganda“, Princeton University. Pranešimas: „Techniques of the Ice Road Observer“.
- 2016, June 30–July 3: “Baltos lankos“ summer school in Humanities. Talk: „Taming the Visual Document “.2016, May 16-19: „War Reflections: Precedents and Consequences of WWII in Literature and the Arts” (Complutense University Madrid). Paper: „Scriptural Economy of the Soviet
Atrocity Archive“. - 2016 May 10: P&М seminar series (VU IIRPS). Paper: „To Sanitize the Document: Controlling War Footage”.
- 2015, November 13: P&М seminar series (VU IIRPS). Paper: „Longing for the Ruins: Decaying Footage and Historical Memory“.
- 2015, June 18-20: „Narrating the Siege. The Blockade of Leningrad and its Transmedial Narratives”, LM München University. Paper: “Visual regimes for the Leningrad siege”.
- 2014, November 19-20: „Wars and pieces: Cultural Experience from the World War I to the Fall of the Berlin Wall“ (Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, National Art Gallery). Paper: „Anne Frank’s dreems at the Night of the Meek“ („Psalm III: The Night of the Meek“, Phil Solomon, 2002).
- 2014, May 28-31: „Bodies in Between: Corporeality and Visuality from Historical Avantgarde to Social Media Conference“ (Department of Cinematography and Media, BabesBolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Paper: “Producing Monster’s Body: Archaeology of Modernity in Bill Morrison’s Spark of Being (2010)”.
- 2014, March 13—15: Yale Conference on Baltic and Scandinavian Studies, Yale University. Paper: „Wars (Never) Fought: Memory of post-World War II in Contemporary Lithuanian
Film“. - 2014, March 7-8: „Archive/Image: New Archival Epistemes in the Digital Landscape“ (Open Society Archives, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary). Paper: „Moving mug-shots out of atrocity archive: representation, duration, and ethics of temporality“.
- 2013, November 21—24: ASEEES convention, Boston. Paper: „Temporality of an ideal interlocutor for Liliana Lungina: “Podstrochnik” by Oleg Dorman“.
- 2013, August 15-18: „Visible Evidence XX“ (Stockholm University). Paper: „Subverting photographic archive: between representation and (micro)duration”.
- 2012, September, 28: Conference „Many faces of Russia: analysing the representations and political practices“ (VU IIRPS). Paper: „Collective body in 2000s through films about the
World War II“. - 2012, September 10-12: Conference „Die Poetik des Alltags: Russische Literatur vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert” (Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen, Germany). Paper: “Cinematic discipline of everyday life under the siege”.
- 2012, April 21—23: Conference „Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory” (Lisbon, NECS). Paper: „Politics of Memory on the Street of Crocodiles: Cinematic Pre-History and Voice”.
Courses taught
Critical History and Theory of Media
Introduction to Critical Theory
Politics and cinema
Historical forms of memory: photography, cinema, comics
Political Photography
Visuality: practices, techniques, ideologies
Masters Colloquium
Research interests
Analysis of discourse
Studies in Historical Memory
Critical theory
Russian Studies
Soviet studies
Visuality studies
w/Miglė Anušauskaitė, Feministinė kino teorija: sąvokos ir komiksai // Feminist Film Theory: Concepts & Comics, Vilnius: Lapas.
„Scale for the Past: Archives of the Soviet Repressions in Contemporary Lithuanian Art“ // „Praeities mastelis: sovietinių represijų archyvai šiuolaikiniame lietuvių mene“, in: Indrė Šerpitytė, 1944—1991: Former NKVD – MVD – MGB – KGB Buildings, Kaunas: Kaunas Gallery, 2021, b.p.
„Netyčia nukreivavusi melodrama: Suaugusių žmonių žaidimų (1967) lyčių tvarka“ // “Inadvertently queer melodrama: gender order of Games of Adults (1967)” , in: Natalija Arlauskaitė, Lina Kaminskaitė (sud.), Fokuse: moterys Lietuvos kine, Vilnius: Lapas, 2021, p. 250-271.
„Fotografiniai bareljefai“ // „Photographic bas-reliefs“, in: Violeta Bubelytė. Vis-à-vis, Vilnius: Lietuvos fotomenininkų sąjunga, 2020, b.p. ISBN 978-9955-438-80-9
“Стык и зазор: домашняя фотография и политика голоса в современном литовском документальном кино о советском” // “Joints and Ruptures: Family Photography and the Politics of Voice in Contemporary Lithuanian Documentaries on the Soviet Past”, Новое литературное обозрение, 2020, 1(161), p. 330-354. ISSN 0869-6365
Nuožmi taika: žlugusių režimų fotografija dokumentiniame kine // Severe Peace: Photographs of the Collapsed Regimes in Documentary Film, Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2020. ISBN 978-609-07-0421-9.