Dr. Nerijus Maliukevičius
Research areas
International relations
Additional info
Dr. Nerijus Maliukevičius research focuses on information warfare, strategic communication, conflict management as well as Russian studies. He is the author of two books about Russian information warfare strategies. He works as researcher and lecturer in the Institute of International Relations and Political Science (Vilnius University). His PhD thesis focused on the potential and spread of Russian informational geopolitics in Lithuania. Guest lecturer in:
- Georgia in 2018 – Georgian Center for Strategy and Development;
- Germany in 2012 – European University Munich;
- Georgia in 2009 – Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU);
- Estonia in 2008 – EuroCollege at University of Tartu;
- Portugal, 2023 – University of Minho.
Research projects and grants
Strategic narrative of Georgia, Georgian Center for Strategy and Development, Tbilisi, 2019.
Development of hybrid forecasting system „Synergistic Anticipation of Geopolitical Events (SAGE)”, IARPA program (IARPA-BAA-16-02), University of Southern California, USA, 2016-2019.
The applied research project “Lithuanian society’s fight against disinformation: situation analysis and recommendations”. The Centre for East European Studies commissioned by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, 2021.
Application for the international research project “A study of cold war propaganda to understand contemporary disinformation”. JPI CH “Cultural Heritage, Society and Ethics” call for proposals 2022.
Conference papers
- 2022. “The evolution of Russian active measures: the case of Operation Ghostwriter” (Symbiosis-School of Political Studies in Greece, affiliated to the Council of Europe Network, Athens).
- 2022. “Russian propaganda in the Baltic States” (National Endowment for Democracy’s International Forum for Democratic Studies, Prague).
- 2022. “How to fight disinformation” (Meltingpot Forum, Ostrava).
- 2022. “Russian propaganda and war in Ukraine” (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna).
- 2021. “Russian disinformation during war in Ukraine” (News Media, Platform Politics, and Changing Information Order in Europe, VDU, Kaunas).
- 2021. “Lithuanian experiance in tackling propaganda” (Strategic Communication of the Lublin Triangle + United Kingdom, and Nordic-Baltic Eight (NB8) countries, Vilnius).
- 2020. “Fear and (Reflexive) Control Post-Pandemic World: How Fear Kills Freedom” (European Humanities University ir Konrad Adenauer Stiftung conference “Sapere Aude: Civic Education for a Society of Citizens”, Vilnius).
- 2020. “Fortress Belarus. Representations of the Enemy Image in the Media Controlled by the Lukashenka Regime” (TSPMI ir Konrad Adenauer Stiftung conference “Belarus 2020 and beyond: Path Dependency or Break with the Past?”, Vilnius).
- 2019. “Lithuania’s experience in tackling propaganda and strengthening independent media” (conference “Disinformation as an instrument of hybrid warfare: aspects of its spread and possibilities to counter propaganda”, Kyiv)
- 2019 “Russian propaganda against Lithuania” (DIIS Expert round-table, 2019, Copenhagen).
- 2019. “Russian dark power tool-box” (NATO StratCom CoE konferncija, 2019, Riga).
- 2018. “Lithuanian experience in fight against propaganda” (Elcano Royal Institute expert round-table, 2108, Madrid).
- 2018 “Lithuanian and Swedish experience in fight against propaganda” (Lviv International Security Forum, Lviv).
Courses taught
Media in Conflict
Strategic Political Communication
Electoral Campaigns
Information Warfare
Research interests
Political Communication
Information warfare, propaganda disinformation
Nerijus Maliukevičius, Lukas Andriukaitis. Evolution of Active Measures: the Case of “Operation Ghostwriter”: a Study of Modern Russian Influence Operations // At the Intersection of Politics and Communication: Trends, Discourses, Effects. Vytautas Magnus University
Maliukevičius, Nerijus. Social resilience in Lithuania: tackling disinformation with actualization // Iнформаційні війни проти україни та інших європейських країн:досвід литви у протидії пропаганді = Information wars against Ukraine and other European countries: Lithuania's experience in tackling propaganda. Київ : Українська культура. 2020, p. 107-113.
Simonavičius, Remigijus; Kazlauskaitė Markelienė, Rolanda; Maliukevičius, Nerijus. Lithuanian Emigration Assessment in Pro-Russian Media // Challenges to national defence in contemporary geopolitical situation (CNDCGS’2020): abstracts of the 2nd international conference and live firing show (LFS)’ 2020, March 31 – 02 April, 2020, Vilnius, Lithuania / Edited by S. Bekesiene and S. Hošková-Mayerová : Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija, 2020. ISBN 9786098074994. eISBN 9786098074987. p. 100-102.
Maliukevičius, Nerijus. The role of media literacy education in tackling aggressive propaganda and fakenews // XXX international conference "Problems of decision making under uncertainties" (PDMU-2017) : August 14-19, 2017, Dedicated to 80-th anniversary of professor Yurii Yermaliev, Vilnius, Lithuania : Abstracts / Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis ... [et al.]. Kyiv : Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2017. ISBN 9786177530076. p. 81.
Nerijus Maliukevičius, Rusijos informacijos geopolitikos potencialas ir skaida Lietuvoje. VUL, 2008. (Russian information geopolitics in Lithuania)
Nerijus Maliukevičius, Informacinio karo koncepcija: JAV ir Rusijos požiūriai. Eugrimas, 2002. (Concept of Information Warfare: US and Russian perspectives)