Neringa Mataitytė
PhD candidate
Department of International Relations
Research groups
Research group on afterness
Research areas
International Relations
Additional info
In 2017, she obtained a Bachelor’s in Political Science from Vilnius University, Institute of International Relations and Political Science (Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania). In 2020, she obtained a Master’s in International Relations and Diplomacy Studies from Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. In 2020, she started her PhD studies at Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, and she is working on a dissertation focusded on a topic “The Role of Emotion Discourse of Civil Society NGO in Shaping Climate Justice Norm in UNFCCC Negotiations.” (supervisor: Prof. Dr Dovilė Jakniūnaitė).
In 2016, she interned at the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in New York, as well as at the European Commission Representation in Lithuania;
In 2018, she participated in the NOHA (Network on Humanitarian Action) Intensive Humanitarian Programme;
2021 participated in the Small State Leadership in Gender Policy programme at the University of Iceland;
2022 – internship in France at the Institut d’Études Politiques (Sciences Po), Paris;
2022 – IED (Institute for European Democracy) Research Fellowship for the article “The EU Green Deal and climate diplomacy with the Global South: Exploring Different Perceptions of the Threat of climate change through the Emotion of Anxiety”;
2023 – internship in Germany, Zeppelin Univeristy;
From 2024 is a representative in the VU Advisory Board of Doctoral Students.
Research projects
“Mobility, Migration and the COVID-19 Epidemic: Governing Emergencies in Lithuania and Poland“, junior researcher, leader prof. Dovilė Jakniūnaitė.
Selected conference papers
- Presentation at Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism and Polarisation (HEPP), “The role of emotions in mobilising society to fight climate change: constructing emotional states to inspire mass movement”, University of Helsinki, Finland, 2021.
- Presentation at the ECPR General Conference, Roundtable Discussion on “Climate Change and Emotions: how emotions can explain international politics of climate change?”, 2021.
- Presentation of the paper “Danish Assistance to EU Preparation”. Anniversary Conference: Denmark and Lithuania: from Neighbours to Allies”, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 2021.
- Presentation at the 16th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, “Emotions in Climate Change Negotiations: Emotional Approach of NGOs to the Issue of Loss and Damage?”, University of Potsdam, Germany, 2023.
- Participation and presentation in the workhop “Emotions in European Climate Politics’, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023.
Participation in public and educational activities
Volunteering in animal welfare policy NGO.
Courses taught
How to think like a Social scientist?
Governing Emotions: Interaction Between Regimes, Emotions and Citizens
Foreign Policy Analysis
Research interests
International Relations
Emotions in International Relations and Foreign Policy
Emotion Discourse
NGO in International Politics
"Emotions in Climate Change Negotiations: Emotional Approach of NGOs to the Issue of Loss and Damage". Négociations, vol. 39, no. 1, 2023, pp. 105–35. Cairn.info, https://doi.org/10.3917/neg.039.0105.
"The EU Green Deal and Climate Diplomacy with Countries from Global South: exploring different perceptions of climate change threat through anxiety emotion", Institute of European Democrats, 2021.
"Danish Assistance to EU Membership Preparation", kn. Denmark and Lithuania: through 100 Years of Bilateral Relations. From Neighbours to Allies, eds. Niels Bo Poulsen, Hans Brask (Vilnius: The Royal Danish Embassy, 2021), 203-220.
"Emocijų vaidmuo mobilizuojant visuomenę kovai su klimato kaita: emocinės būsenos konstravimas įkvepiant masinį judėjimą", Politologija, 2021, Vol. 101 Issue 1, p78-106. 29p. https://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/politologija/article/view/22949