Pijus Domantas Petrošius
PhD candidate
Research areas
International Relations
Additional info
Pijus Domantas Petrošius graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from VU TSPMI. He graduated with a Cum Laude Diploma in Political Science in 2021 and a Cum Laude Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy in 2023. Her final Bachelor’s and Master’s theses have been recognised as the best in International Relations and Diplomacy.
Since 2023, he has been pursuing his PhD studies at VU TSPMI. He is working on his dissertation on “Ontological Security Assurance as a Source of Legitimacy in a Hybrid Regime: Foreign Policy Analysis of the Political Regimes of Turkey and Kazakhstan” (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dovilė Jakniūnaitė).
Research interests
International relations
Turkish foreign policy
Hybrid regimes