Raigirdas Boruta
PhD candidate
Research areas
International Relations
Additional info
In 2016, Raigirdas Boruta received his bachelor’s degree in Asia Pacific Studies (Chinese studies pathway) from the University of Central Lancashire, the UK. In 2020, Boruta acquired a master’s degree in International Relations from Sichuan University (full Chinese program, CSC scholarship).
Since 2021, Boruta is a PhD student at the IIRPS, VU. He is preparing a dissertation on the topic: “Chinese assertive foreign policy in Central and Eastern Europe: from distinctive regional definition to the application of Chinese multilateralism” (supervisor assoc. prof. Konstantinas Andrijauskas).
Raigirdas Boruta is an associate expert (Chinese research program) at the Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC) and a member of the European Association for Chinese Studies.
Research interests
Chinese studies
Chinese domestic and foreign policies
International relations
Asia-Pacific studies
Boruta, R. (2021), “Xi Jinping‘s Assertive Diplomatic Strategy amidst the Pandemic.” Sovijus, 9(1), pp. 142-152.
Boruta, R. (2020), “The Crumbling Eastern European “Pearl” within the BRI Strategy: Chinese Domestic Media’s Coverage of the 2020 Belarusian Protests and Bilaterial Ties.” Vilnius: Eastern Europe Studies Centre. https://www.eesc.lt/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/v01_Boruta-tekstas_be-virs_A4.pdf
Boruta, R. (2021), “In a Whirlwind of Sino-US Clash of Interests: The 5G Rollout in Central and Eastern Europe.” Vilnius: Eastern Europe Studies Centre. https://www.eesc.lt/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/RESC.-5g-rysys_JAV-ir_Kinija_EN.pdf