Dr. Simas Čelutka
Research areas
Political Theory
Additional info
Personal website
2016-2020: Doctoral studies in philosophy at Vilnius University. On 8 January, 2020 Simas Čelutka defended dissertation “Political autonomy as a moral project. Analysis of H. Arendt, M. Oakeshott and C. Schmitt Concepts” (supervisor prof. Alvydas Jokubaitis).
2014-2015: Master’s degree in History of Political Thought and History of Ideas in a joint program at UCL and Queen Mary Universities (UK). 2010-2014: Bachelor of Philosophy studies at Vilnius University. 2009-2010: Bachelor of Political Science studies at IIRPS VU.
He supervises bachelor theses and student internships and participates in bachelor and master thesis defence committees.
Research projects and grants
“The Modern Problem of the Relationship between Morality and Politics: the Challenge for Western and Lithuanian Philosophy“, Research Council of Lithuania, researcher.
National and international awards
Best Young Scholar Publication 2019-2020: ‘Moral Foundations of Arendt’s Concept of Politics’ (Lithuanian Philosophical Society).
Selected conference papers
- Self-sacrifice: the key to understanding the political // Annual Lithuanian political science conference, Institute of International Relations and Political Science (Vilnius University), December 8-9, 2022.
- The Development of Lithuanian Political Philosophy: The Case of Alvydas Jokubaitis // National conference “Trajectories of Lithuanian Philosophy”, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, November 17, 2022.
- Political Sedimentation and the Concept of Work in Hannah Arendt’s Political Phenomenology // International Conference “Phenomenological Concept of Sedimentation”, Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, October 14-15, 2022.
- Sacrifice as Self-Transcendence. In Search of Connection Between the Person and the Community // Annual conference of the Lithuanian Philosophical Society, 2022-05-17.
- “The Moral Core of Liberal Education: Conversation, Plurality, and Friendship”, International Conference Hannah Arendt: Thinking and Education in Times of Crisis, European Humanities University, Vilnius, 2019 September 23-24.
- Self-Sacrifice as the Moral Ground of the Political // Conference Persons, Morality and Politics, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University, 2022-03-01.
- “The Loss of Common Reality in the Age of Trump and Putin”, Hannah Arendt Circle Annual Conference, Bard College, USA, 2017 March 30 – April 1.
- “Practice, Agency, and Civil Association: Michael Oakeshott’s Account of modus vivendi”, MANCEPT (annual political theory conference in Manchester), Workshop “Political Theory and Modus Vivendi”, 2016 September 7-9.
Courses taught
Problems of Political Science: Politics and Morality
Foundations of Practical Philosophy
Research interests
Political philosophy
History of political thought
History of ideas
Ethics and philosophy of morality
Relation between politics and morality
"The Ontological Grounding of Hannah Arendt’s Political Ethics", The European Legacy, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/10848770.2023.2229150
Simas Čelutka, Alvydas Jokubaitis, Aistė Noreikaitė "Politika ir moralė. Ontologinė perspektyva", Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2022, ISBN 978-609-07-0808-8 (collective monograph)
Hannah Arendt, "Apie smurtą", translated from English Simas Čelutka, Vilnius: Hubris, 2023.
„The Moral Grounds of Arendt’s Conception of Politics“, Problemos, 2020, 97, p. 75-86. https://doi.org/10.15388/Problemos.97.6
„Morality and the Nature of Politics“, Politologija, 2019, 96 (4), p. 38-59. https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2019.96.2
„Political Phenomenology as a Critique for Platonism“, Politologija, 2013, 4, p. 93-118. https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2013.4.2557