Simona Vaškevičiūtė
PhD candidate
Department of International Relations
Research groups
Research group on afterness
Research areas
International Relations
European Studies
Additional info
At the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University, Simona Vaškevičiūtė obtained Cum Laude bachelor’s degree diploma in Political Science (2019) and Magna Cum Laude master’s degree diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy (2021). Her bachelor’s thesis, “The Assessment of Reconciliation in Croatia after Accession to the European Union” (supervisor dr. Lina Strupinskienė), was recognized as the best bachelor thesis in the field of international relations and diplomacy. During her studies, Simona also studied at the University of Zagreb (Croatia), did internships at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania.
Simona started her PhD studies at IIRPS VU in 2021. The topic of the dissertation – “External actors’ capacity to shape national post-conflict reconciliation: the role of the European Union in the Croatian reconciliation process” (supervised by Prof. dr. Dovilė Jakniūnaitė).
During PhD studies, she was a visiting researcher at the Uppsala University in Sweden, as well as at the University of Zagreb and the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) in Croatia.
Conference papers
UACES 53rd European Studies Conference (2023), paper “Post-conflict Reconciliation and External Actors’ Role in It: What is the Reconciliation in Croatia According to the European Union?” (more information here)
ECPR General Conference (2023), paper “Transitional Justice in Croatia after the EU Accession” (more information here)
2023 RSA Annual Conference (2023), paper “Understanding Reconciliation: European Union Perception of Post-conflict Reconciliation in Croatia” (more information here)
“CEEISA 2022 Convention: Back to the Margins?, Bratislava” (2022), paper “What brings a change in the Serbian political narrative on 1999 NATO intervention?” (more information here)
“The Future of EU Enlargement and Partnership Policies: EU Actorness in South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Neighbourhood” (2020), paper “Assessing Reconciliation in Croatia: Moving Forward or Backward?” (more information here)
Research interests
International Relations
Peace and conflict studies
Transitional justice
Western Balkans
EU enlargement
Vaškevičiūtė, S. (2024). Understanding Reconciliation: The European Union’s Vision of Post-conflict Reconciliation in Croatia. Southeastern Europe, 48(2-3), 383-413. https://brill.com/view/journals/seeu/48/2-3/article-p383_009.xml
Strupinskienė L., & Vaškevičiūtė S. (2021). What Happened to Transitional Justice in Croatia After the EU Accession? Politologija, 101(1), 8-51. https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2021.101.1