Dr. Tatsiana Chulitskaya
Research groups
Research group on Belarus
Research areas
Comparative Politics and Political Sociology
International Relations
Additional info
Tatsiana Chulitskaya is originally from Belarus where she studied at the Political Science Department of the Belarusian State University (BSU). Tatsiana got her PhD from Vilnius University in 2014. From 2011 up till present Tatsiana also cooperates with the Belarusian informal educational project and think tank SYMPA/BIPART (Belarus) within which she is in the position of an academic director and expert. Her research interests are public policy analysis, public administration reforms, civil society and civic participation in non-democratic regimes, reforms in the post-Soviet countries and Belarusian studies. She is an author of many research and academic publications related to Belarus. She has been recently involved in several international research projects including the EU-STRAT project focused on Eastern Partnership (EaP) program analysis. From 2021 Tatsiana is cooperating as an investigative researcher with Oxford Belarus Observatory (OBO).
Research projects and grants, your position in the projects
Research Fellow, project ‘Civil Society, Social Movements and Protest Mobilization in Belarus’ at Manchester Metropolitan University (a Leverhulme Trust-funded). Contributing researcher, Oxford Belarus Observatory (OBO).
Membership of international organisations, editorial boards, international working groups, etc.
1. Member of the Association of Nationalities Studies (ASN)
2. Member of the European Humanities University (EHU) Governing Board (since November 2021)
Conference papers
1. Presentation (together with Irmina Matonyte) ‘Women and state-violence in post-electoral Belarus’. The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), General Conference, 22 – 26 August 2022, Innsbruck, Austria
2. Presentation ‘Belarusian Civil Society and Social Movements in Times of Political Crises: Main Developments, Challenges, and Needs’. The ASN Convention, 5-7 May 2022, Columbia University, New York, USA
3. Presentation ‘Civil Society in Belarus: Main Developments, Challenges, and Needs’. International Congress of Belarusian Studies, September 30 – October 2, 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania
4. Presentation (together with Irmina Matonyte) ‘Political Crisis in Belarus and Female Political Activism: from Creativity to Captivity’. The International Conference “Belarus 2020 and beyond: Path Dependency or Break with the Past?”, October 7-8, Vilnius, Lithuania
5. Presentation ‘Analysis of the sphere of public administration in Belarus from the good governance positions’. International Congress of Belarusian Studies, October 1-3, 2021. Kaunas, Lithuania
6. Presentation ‘State capacity in Belarus: looking on our findings in the light of pro-democracy protests at the webinar on the East European Politics Special Issue ‘Towards Open Access Social Orders in Eastern Europe’. Kings College London, March 12, 2021
Research interests
Belarusian studies
Civil society
Non-democratic political regimes
Public administration
Public policy
Chulitskaya T., Bindman E. (2023). Civil society, social movements and political changes in Belarus in 2020 and after in Changing Belarus in the XXI Century: between dictatorship and democracy (Routledge) (forthcoming).
Chulitskaya T., et al. (2022) From Scientific Communism to Political Science: The Development of the Profession in Selected Former Soviet European States. In: Ilonszki G., Roux C. (eds) Opportunities and Challenges for New and Peripheral Political Science Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Chulitskaya T. (2021) Political Science or Science in the Service of Politics: Internal and External Co-option in Belarus. In: Eisfeld R., Flinders M. (eds) Political Science in the Shadow of the State. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Bindman E., Chulitskaya T. Post-Soviet Policy Entrepreneurs? The impact of non-state actors on social services reform in Russia and Belarus. APSA Democracy and Autocracy Newsletter (2021): 28-33.
Mazepus, H., Dimitrova A., Matthew Frear, Chulitskaya T. et al. "Civil society and external actors: how linkages with the EU and Russia interact with socio-political orders in Belarus and Ukraine." East European Politics (2021): 1-22.
Dimitrova, A., Mazepus, H., Toshkov, D., Chulitskaya T., et al. "The dual role of state capacity in opening socio-political orders: assessment of different elements of state capacity in Belarus and Ukraine." East European Politics (2020): 1-24.