Vilija Navickaitė
PhD candidate
Research groups
Research group on Belarus
Research areas
Comparative Politics and Political Sociology
Additional info
Vilija Navickatė graduated from Vilnius University obtaining a bachelor’s degree at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science (IIRPS) followed by a master’s degree at the Institute of Journalism. She has spent a year as an Erasmus exchange student at the University of Bologna (Italy).
Vilija Navickaitė works in development aid sphere at Swedish International Liberal centre (SILC), managing human rights and democratisation projects mostly based on creative learning methodology.
She is a board member at European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) (www.epde.org) and association “Creative connections” (www.kurybinesjungtys.lt).
As a PhD candidate she is preparing a dissertation on protests in Belarus in 2020 – “Our hearts demand change! Belarusians’ individual decision-making mechanism to (not) take part in massive protests of the summer of 2020.” (supervisor prof. dr. Ainė Ramonaitė) since 2021.
Research interests
Belarus protests
Social movements/protests
Development aid